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II. Discussion respecting the birth-day of the subject of these memorials, III. Notices of the Earl of Peterborough, and of Dean Berkeley, IV. Reference to the debates in Parliament in which Oglethorpe took a part, V. Prison-visiting Committee, VI. Release of insolvent debtors, VII. Sir Thomas Lombe's mill for winding silk, VIII. Case of Captain Porteous, IX. Trustees for settling Georgia,

To force payment from the generous but insolvent debtor to obtain liquidation from the Southern planter was really the soulless and mercenary object of the craven Northerners. Let the common people of England look to this.

All persons capable of making a will could leave legacies, real or personal, but these were not due if the testator died insolvent. When a man died intestate, the succession devolved on the descendants of the deceased; but, these failing, the nearest ascendants were called; if there were brothers and sisters, they were entitled to succeed together along with the ascendants in the same class.

CE M. DE MIRABEAU, readers will be surprised to learn, is an Uncle of the great Mirabeau's; who has fallen into roving courses, gone abroad insolvent; and "directs the Opera at Baireuth," in these years! One Letter we will give in full: "LEITMERITZ, 13th July, 1757.

To what purpose should tradesmen push things to extremities against tradesmen, if nothing is to be gotten by it, and if the insolvent tradesman will take proper measures to convince the creditor that his intentions are honest?

Old Strang died insolvent; he was a gambler, and had ruined himself without saying a word. Thereupon I placed my wife's rheumatism in an asylum and came to France. I had to begin life anew, to struggle with poverty once more.

It was Caesar who first gave an insolvent the right on which our modern bankruptcy regulations are based of formally ceding his estate to his creditors, whether it might suffice to satisfy them or not, so as to save at all events his personal freedom although with diminished honorary and political rights, and to begin a new financial existence, in which he could only be sued on account of claims proceeding from the earlier period and not protected in the liquidation, if he could pay them without renewed financial ruin.

George Gravener could stand straight enough before any other combination of forces. It amused me to think that the combination he had succumbed to had an American accent, a transcendental aunt and an insolvent father; but all my old loyalty to him mustered to meet this unexpected hint that I could help him.

Pendennis had had a piece of University education too, and might have pursued that career with great honour, but that in his second year at Cambridge his father died insolvent, and poor Pen was obliged to betake himself to the pestle and apron.

The illustrious Gobseck, ruler of Palma, Gigonnet, Werbrust, Keller, Nucingen, and the like, being concerned in a failure where he attempted to roughly handle the insolvent, who had managed to get the better of him, obtained notes from his debtor for an amount which together with the declared dividend made up the sum total of his loss. These notes were to fall due after the concordat.