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Part of the time some of the officers spent below smoking, though always at least one of them remained on deck, to make sure that the log record was not tampered with. At exactly the end of the hour the indicator of the log was read off. "Twenty-one and four tenths knots!" cried commander Ennerling, with an expression of amazement. "Whew!

A. An engine exerting 23-1/3 horses power by the indicator works two pairs of flour stones of 4 feet 8 inches diameter, two pairs of stones grinding oatmeal of 4 feet 8 inches diameter, one dressing machine, one pair of fanners, one dust screen, and one sifting machine. One of the flour stones makes 85, and the other 90 revolutions in the minute.

The curve may be constructed in the following manner: Having found by calculation the position of the transverse metacenter, M, for a given displacement Figs. 1 and 2 the metacentric height, G M, is then determined either by calculations, or more correctly by experiment, by varying the position of weights of known magnitude, or by the stability indicator itself.

Then he had passed his destination; he was now in the Fortieth Century, but the indicator was slowing. The hairline crossed the Thirtieth Century, the Twentieth, the Fifteenth, the Tenth. He wondered what had gone wrong, but he had recovered from his fright by this time.

At 50 miles per hour, the correct figure is 73 1/3 feet, which show that the figures under this rule are within about one per cent. of being correct. With the table before you it will be an easy matter, by observing the air pressure indicator, to determine the proper speed for the anemometer. Suppose it shows a pressure of two pounds, which will indicate a speed of twenty miles an hour.

The preparation of a !solution of litmus! which is suitable for use as an indicator involves the separation from the commercial litmus of azolithmine, the true coloring principle. Soluble litmus tablets are often obtainable, but the litmus as commonly supplied to the market is mixed with calcium carbonate or sulphate and compressed into lumps.

"The bell rang, sir," he replied. "Is there anything I can get for you?" "I rang no bell," Norgate asserted. "Your indicator must be out of order." Norgate would have closed the door, but Anna intervened. "Tell the waiter I wish to speak to him," she begged. The man advanced at once into the room and glanced interrogatively at Anna.

By looking over the back of the front seat she obtained a glimpse of the speedometer, and saw the indicator traveling from sixty to seventy. After that she did not wish to look again. She did not want to know if they traveled faster. The road over which they went was strange to Ruth Fielding.

No!" he turned to a young private whose left hand was grasping his rifle high up between the fore-sight and the indicator "You mustn't do that. Always get your 'and between the back-sight and the breech. So! The back-sight will protect your fingers from being cut by the other fellow. Now the third butt exercise."

In the latter year he started the Indicator, a paper something in the style of the Spectator or Tatler, and after this had run its course the Companion, conceived on similar lines, took its place in 1828. In 1822 H. went to Italy with Byron, and there established the Liberal, a paper which did not prove a success.