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Updated: August 15, 2024

The effect of this immurement was soon visible; the Manchu rule, which was emphatically a rule of the sword, was rapidly so weakened that the emperors became no more than rois fainéants at the mercy of their minister. The history of the Nineteenth Century is thus logically enough the history of successive collapses.

It may be said that to shut out men and women from that liberty which is their universal birthright would be cruel. To this it might be sufficient to reply that this is already done; twenty years' immurement is a very common sentence passed upon wrong-doers, and in some cases the law goes as far as to inflict penal servitude for life.

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There have been horrible instances of voluntary immurement in Christian Europe, and above all in the Christian East; but not quite though very nearly as bad as this. Moreover, not one line, not a single word in the Scriptures inculcates such self-annihilation.

Our peregrinations made it very clear that Carcassonne was impregnable; it is impossible to imagine without having seen them such refinements of immurement, such ingenuities of resistance.

This done I went back to my immurement, and I know not how long it was that I paced a weary sentry beat up and down the narrow limits of the wine cellar, alone with such thoughts as go to make the sum of that despair which follows hard upon the heels of some climaxing catastrophe.

Her suspicions often fell upon the Lady Nisida as the cause of her terrible immurement in that living tomb especially when she remembered the coldness with which her mistress had treated her a day or two previous to her forced abduction from the Riverola Palace.

They turned her loose, but she never got another husband I never knowed a man-person but what was skittish 'bout any unhealthy meddlin' with his vittles." She paused to count the stitches on her needles, the big shadow of her cap-ruffles bobbing on the daubed and chinked log walls in antic mimicry, while down Ethelinda's pink cheeks the slow tears coursed at the prospect of such immurement.

"I hope you will not refuse to mail my notes, even under these trying circumstances,"! said, extending them to her. "You can ask Dr. Englehart to do so when he comes," she answered, gently; "for myself, I am utterly powerless to serve you beyond the walls of this chamber." "And how long is this close immurement to continue?" I asked again, after another dreary pause.

Certain it is that, from these expressions, I derived the first consolation that had come to me in my immurement, and from that hour the solemn farce of keeper and lunatic ceased to be played between us two. From such freedom of communication on my jailer's part, I began to hope for additional information, which never came.

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