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A strange look of obstinacy and hardness came into Harborough's eyes, and he shook his head. "No!" he answered. "I shan't say! The truth'll come out in good time without that. It's not necessary for me to say. Where I was during the night is my business nobody else's." "You'll not tell?" asked Mallalieu. "I shan't tell," replied Harborough. "You're in danger, you know," said Mallalieu.

"MR. GIFFORD BRERETON, Having learnt from the newspapers that you are acting as counsel for John Harborough, charged with the murder of a man named Kitely at Highmarket, I send you the enclosed £900 to be used in furthering Harborough's defence. You will use it precisely as you think fit. You are not to spare it nor any endeavour to prove Harborough's innocence which is known to the sender.

They found the bank-notes which Kitely got at the Bank yesterday evening, and a quantity of letters and papers that we presume had been in that empty pocket-book. They were all hidden in a hole in the thatch of Harborough's shed." "Where are they?" asked Brereton. "Down at the police-station the superintendent has them," answered the detective. "He'd show you them, sir, if you care to go down."

This here young London barrister that's defending Harborough is stopping with Bent they're old schoolmates. Happen he's persuaded Bent to do the handsome: they say that this barrister chap's right down convinced that Harborough's innocent. It must be Bent's brass!"

"This is how things are or were. I must tell you that the eldest brother of the late Squire of Wraye married John Harborough's aunt secretly. They had not been married long before the husband emigrated. He went off to Australia, leaving his wife behind until he had established himself there had been differences between him and his family, and he was straitened in means.

I pointed out to him that in spots like this, where there's naught nearer than them houses at the foot of the hill one way, and Harborough's cottage another way, and both of 'em a good quarter of a mile off, and where there's all these coverts and coppices and rocks, it was not safe for an elderly man who sported a fine gold watch and chain to go wandering about in the darkness.

The filching of the piece of cord from the wall of Harborough's shed was a clever thing infernally clever, thought Mallalieu, who had a designing man's whole-hearted admiration for any sort of cleverness in his own particular line. It would be an easy thing to do and what a splendidly important thing!

Leaving the doctor and a couple of policemen to arrange matters with the housekeeper, the sergeant went outside, followed by the others. He turned to Cotherstone. "I'm going down to Harborough's cottage, at the other end of the Shawl," he said. "I don't expect to learn aught much there yet but I can see if he's at home, anyway. If any of you gentlemen like to come down "

She's governess to Northrop's two younger children I expect she's heard about her father, and has been to get Northrop to come down with her he's a magistrate." Avice listened with ill-concealed impatience while Bent delivered his message. He twice repeated Harborough's injunction that she was not to be afraid, and her impatience increased. "I'm not afraid," she answered.

Brereton had expected that the police would ask for an adjournment after the usual evidence of the superficial facts, and of the prisoner's arrest, had been offered; instead of that, the prosecution brought forward several witnesses, and amongst them the bank-manager, who said that when he cashed Kitely's draft for him the previous morning, in Harborough's presence, he gave Kitely the one half of the money in gold.