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Yo' not go'n' a' stravagate all that theh gole money on sech crazy doin's an' mek us be indigent in ouah ole aige. What Ah want with a Doctah? Hanh! Anseh me that! Yo'-all jes' git me a little bit calamus an' some catnip, an' Ah do all th' doctahin' tha's advisable." All this he brought out with difficulty, for his breathing was by no means free.

"I believe you," interrupted the Comte, "and now no more of it! I also am going to be frank with you." He went with a smile to a corner where stood the little box, done up in rope, which held the trousseau of the Comtesse de Bonzag. "Open that, and give me the lottery-tickets I gave you." "Hanh? You M'sieur says?" "The lottery-tickets " "Oh, M'sieur, but they're not there " "Then where are they?"

"Principle of the thing's all I cared about," he began. "Anybody make money that wants to be a Wall Street crook and take it away from the tired business man. What I want to be is one of the idle rich ... only not idle much of the time, you know. Good major league club for mine. Been looking the ground over; sound 'vestment; keep you out of bad company, lots time to read good books." "Hanh!

That amount of money would have meant nothing to him back on the Nile. Why should it now? "It wasn't the money I was after," he began, loftily. "Hanh!" "Principle of the thing!" concluded Bean. Breede had lost control of his capable under jaw. It sagged limply. At last he spoke, slowly and with awe in his tone. "You don't puzzle me any more." He shook his head solemnly. "Not any more. I know now!"

Mark at that yet farther table also the swine and the song-bird; again, mark our draught-horses who have achieved a competence, yes? You note also the presence of wolves and lambs. And, endly, mark our tailed arborean ancestors, trained to the wearing of garments and a single eye-glass. May I ask, have you bestowed upon this diversity your completest high attention? Hanh!"

That thing was getting tiresome. "You're a puzzle to me, too," said Bean. "Hanh! Wha's 'at? What kinda puzzle?" "Same kind," said Bean, brightly. "Hum!" said Breede, and pretended to search for a missing document. Then he eyed Bean again. "Know how much you made on that Federal stuff?" "I was going to ask a lawyer," confessed Bean.