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Two vestiges of those days linger on to the present time, the first in the Canadian Militia Act, which provides for a naval as well as a military militia, permanent forces included, and the second in one of the governor-general's official titles 'Vice-Admiral' of Canada. The Canadian privateers are even less known than the Provincial Marine.

He gave us the acceptable news that the government at Calcutta had sent up an officer to carry on Campbell's duties, which had alarmed him exceedingly. The Rajah, we were told, was very angry at our seizure and detention; he had no fault to find with the Governor-General's agent, and hoped he would be continued as such.

At the guilty name which Torres thus gave him, Joam Garral could not repress a slight shudder. "You are Joam Dacosta," continued Torres, "who, twenty-five years ago, were a clerk in the governor-general's office at Tijuco, and you are the man who was sentenced to death in this affair of the robbery and murder!" No response from Joam Garral, whose strange tranquillity surprised the adventurer.

George, to send Sir Eyre Coote to oppose Hyder, and to entrust that distinguished general with the whole administration of the war. In spite of the sullen opposition of Francis, who had now recovered from his wound, and had returned to the Council, the Governor-General's wise and firm policy was approved by the majority of the board.

The whole settlement finally formed a block of at least five acres, with almost palatial buildings, on the right bank of the Hoogli, which, with a breadth of half a mile when in flood, rolls between it and the Governor-General's summer house and English-like park of Barrackpore.

Here the women bring their sewing or embroidery, and chat. It is also the favorite playground of the children, and in its shade the men of the household take their afternoon nap. There are no yards or gardens attached to these houses. The only green spots to be found are the inner courts, the public squares or plazas, and the garden of the Governor-General's palace.

Joseph Sedley; but he thought to himself how delightful it would be to hear such songs as those after Cutcherry what a distinguee girl she was how she could speak French better than the Governor-General's lady herself and what a sensation she would make at the Calcutta balls. "It's evident the poor devil's in love with me," thought he.

"Yes, completely, and also given some compensation for your loss of time." "And how much am I to pay in return, you say?" "Thirty thousand roubles, to be divided among ourselves, the Governor-General's staff, and the Governor-General's secretary." "But how is even that to be managed, for all my effects, including my dispatch-box, will have been sealed up and taken away for examination?"

'Cabs, caleches, and everything that would run were at once launched in pursuit, and crossing his route, the Governor-General's carriage was bitterly assailed in the main street of the St. Lawrence suburbs.

The imperial authorities had already disallowed an act passed by the legislature of Upper Canada of 1838 to reinvest the clergy reserves in the Crown, and it became necessary for Lord Sydenham to give the governor-general's later title to propose a settlement in the shape of a compromise between the various Protestant bodies interested in the reserves.