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Updated: July 31, 2024

That's a gig-lamp, to the best of my belief." "O!" said Thomasin in despair. "I wish I had been there sooner give me the baby, Diggory you can go back now." "I must go all the way," said Venn. "There is a quag between us and that light, and you will walk into it up to your neck unless I take you round." "But the light is at the inn, and there is no quag in front of that."

Your legs a taste higher, sir, just to keep the pickle off your trousers," a "Gee up!" and a touch of the whip, they were away together, with the light of the gig-lamp on the hind-quarters of the mare, as they bobbed and screwed like a mill-race under the splash-hoard. It was Cæsar's chance, and he took it.

"A three months' job," and fainted. When he came to himself the groom was gone, for he had scudded off to the Squire's house for help, but a small page was holding a gig-lamp in front of his injured leg, and a woman, with an open case of polished instruments gleaming in the yellow light, was deftly slitting up his trouser with a crooked pair of scissors.

But he could not help being amused when a round-faced young man dressed as an ancient Greek with gig-lamp spectacles rushed up to overtake Mrs. Norton before she entered the ballroom, and stopped in dismay to gaze after her open-mouthed and peer at his programme.

"Haven't any little son my mistake!" Then he turned the open gig-lamp on me and began again. "S'prised at you, John; little son is the most won'erful thing any father and mother could possess with the possible 'ception of a li'l daughter ain't that so, Mrs. John? Little brother is all right, but don't compare with little son. Look at me, Mrs.

That's a gig-lamp, to the best of my belief." "O!" said Thomasin in despair. "I wish I had been there sooner give me the baby, Diggory you can go back now." "I must go all the way," said Venn. "There is a quag between us and that light, and you will walk into it up to your neck unless I take you round." "But the light is at the inn, and there is no quag in front of that."

As I concluded, he stretched out a long, tremulous arm, and turned the gig-lamp in such a way as to throw a flood of light upon my face. "Good Heavens, McNeil!" he cried, in the same quivering voice as before, "the fellow's as brown as chocolate. He's not an Englishman. You're not an Englishman you, sir?"

She stood just within the threshold, holding a lamp high: and its rays, while they fell full on the doctor, causing him to blink, crossed the rays of his gig-lamp which showed him that, late though the hour was, she had as yet made no preparations for going to bed, even to the extent of taking off her jewellery.

It was a point in the highway near which the road to Mellstock branched off from the homeward direction. By diverging to that village, as he had intended to do, Farfrae might probably delay his return by a couple of hours. It soon appeared that his intention was to do so still, the light swerving towards Cuckoo Lane, the by-road aforesaid. Farfrae's off gig-lamp flashed in Henchard's face.

She had, in fact, been sent upstairs at the sound of wheels, and from behind a curtain had recognised Doctor Unonius as he examined the paper by the light of his gig-lamp. 'Tryphena, here's Doctor Unonius, and he brings word we're to be robbed and murdered in our beds. 'The Lord preserve us! said Tryphena.

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