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"'Your very obedient servant, "'CAMP BEFORE FUTTYGHUR, Sept. 1, 1804. I read the letter, and saw at once there was no time to be lost. That man, thought I, must never go back to Holkar. Were he to attack us now before we were prepared, the fort would be his in half an hour.

Guard them with your life, watch over them with your honour, defend them with the matchless power of your indomitable arm. "Futtyghur is, as I have said, a European station, and the pretty air of the bungalows, amid the clustering topes of mango-trees, has often ere this excited the admiration of the tourist and sketcher.

At last Montholon came to mine. The Emperor looked me at once in the face, took his hands out of his pockets, put them behind his back, and coming up to me smiling, pronounced the following words: "Assaye, Delhi, Deeg, Futtyghur?" I blushed, and taking off my hat with a bow, said "Sire, c'est moi." "Parbleu! je le savais bien," said the Emperor, holding out his snuff-box. "En usez-vous, Major?"

"Gentlemen, did I not tell you we should be sure to find him AT HIS POST?" The gallant old nobleman rode on: and this was the famous BATTLE OF FURRUCKABAD, or SURPRISE OF FUTTYGHUR, fought on the 17th of November, 1804. About a month afterwards, the following announcement appeared in the Boggleywollah Hurkaru and other Indian papers: "Married, on the 25th of December, at Futtyghur, by the Rev.

In some of these the Warreners took part, and both shared in the defeats of the Sepoys and the capture of Futtyghur and Furruckabad places at which horrible massacres of the whites had taken place in the early days of the mutiny. During these two months large reinforcements had arrived; and Jung Bahadoor, Prince of Nepaul, had come down with an army of ten thousand Ghoorkas to our aid.

I was with my regiment in all Wellesley's brilliant campaigns; then taking dawk, I travelled across the country north-eastward, and had the honour of fighting by the side of Lord Lake at Laswaree, Degg, Furruckabad, Futtyghur, and Bhurtpore: but I will not boast of my actions the military man knows them, MY SOVEREIGN appreciates them.

An ammunition-tumbrel belonging to one of our six-pounders, from the rapid rate at which we were moving, blew up within half a mile of the enemy; who were buried in the arms of sleep, they having made a forced march, so as to prevent the possibility of our reaching them. This alarmed a few of those who happened to be awake; but they supposed it the station-gun at Futtyghur.

What I did in my reconnaissance, and how I defended the fort of Futtyghur, I shall have the honour of telling on another occasion. HEADQUARTERS, MORELLA: October 3, 1838 It is a balmy night. I hear the merry jingle of the tambourine, and the cheery voices of the girls and peasants, as they dance beneath my casement, under the shadow of the clustering vines.

I was with my regiment in all Wellesley's brilliant campaigns; then taking dawk, I travelled across the country north-eastward, and had the honor of fighting by the side of Lord Lake at Laswaree, Deeg, Furruckabad, Futtyghur, and Bhurtpore: but I will not boast of my actions the military man knows them, MY SOVEREIGN appreciates them.

At last Montholon came to mine. The Emperor looked me at once in the face, took his hands out of his pockets, put them behind his back, and coming up to me smiling, pronounced the following words: "Assaye, Delhi, Deeg, Futtyghur?" I blushed, and, taking off my hat with a bow, said, "Sire, c'est moi." "Parbleu! je le savais bien," said the Emperor, holding out his snuff-box. "En usez-vous, Major?"