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Updated: August 2, 2024

He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that he had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamp-light, the cymophane with its wire-like line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire.

There was a small oval box, of blue leather, with the silver crest of the Service in bas-relief on the lid. I opened the case, and gazed with shining eyes at the gleaming, silver comet that nestled there. Then, slowly, I unfastened the four-rayed star on my left breast, and placed in its stead the insignia of my commandership. Worn smooth and shiny now, it is still my most precious possession.

Mithra, or the Sun, is represented in Persian sculptures by a disk or orb, which is not four-rayed like the Assyrian, but perfectly plain and simple. In sculptures where the emblems of Ormazd and Mithra occur together, the position of the former is central, that of the latter towards the right hand of the tablet.

Flowers white, tinged with purple, springing singly from the notches, and composed of eight to twelve sepals and petals. Stamens and stigma erect, white, the latter four-rayed. This species is a native of Brazil, and was introduced in 1830; Flowering-season, October to December. It may be grown in a warm greenhouse, and treated as a basket-plant or as a small pot-shrub. Syn. Lepismium commune.

He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that he had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire.

And simultaneously the pyramids leaped up and out behind it two gigantic, four-rayed stars blazing with cold blue fires. The green auroral curtainings flared out, ran with streaming radiance as though some Spirit of Jewels had broken bonds of enchantment and burst forth jubilant, flooding the shaft with its freed glories. Norhala's song ceased; an arm dropped down upon the shoulders of Ruth.

O land of hope, land of the shining four-rayed star, long, long may you remain the world's great vale of youth, where none grow old at heart or pray for death, for none can ever wholly lose their glimpse of that beckoning hope. The fountain of eternal youth springs up and gushes 'neath no other light. O star of Hope! O blessed Lodestar of the soul!

Quick on the screen of my mind flashed two pictures, side by side the little four-rayed print in the great dust of the crumbling ruin and its colossal twin on the breast of the poppied valley. I turned aside, crept through the shattered portal and looked over the haunted hollow. Unbelieving, I rubbed my eyes; then leaped to the very brim of the bowl.

The symbol is either a simple circle, a quartered disk a four-rayed orb of a more elaborate character. San or Sansi had a wife, Ai, Gula, or Anunit, of whom it now follows to speak. Al, GULA, or ANUNIT. Ai, Gula, or Anunit, was the female power of the sun, and was commonly associated with San in temples and invocations.

The stars that were visible were intensely brilliant points, and, when the moon rose, it was accompanied by four mock moons bound in a halo that widely encircled the true orb. The moon-dogs shone intermittently with prismatic colors, like disks of mother-of-pearl, and the moon itself was four-rayed.

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