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The only weakness of the present results of vocal investigation is due to the fact that this investigation has always been carried on under the influence of the idea of mechanical vocal management. This influence has led all theoretical students of the subject to attempt to apply their knowledge in formulating rules for direct mechanical guidance of the voice.

Vocal scientists apply their efforts to finding out the correct mode of action of each portion of the mechanism, and to formulating rules and exercises by which these correct actions can be acquired and combined for the production of perfect tones.

If vital units have only a hypothetical existence, then chemical units, statical units, and morphological units, should fall into the same categories of judgment. A great deal of needless ingenuity has been wasted, both by the vitalists and materialists, in formulating impossible definitions of life in attempts to tell us what life is. But Mr.

The great value of this concept, however, should be recognized, and in formulating a scheme of light and shade for any picture its light and dark masses may be so arranged as to suggest much of the beauty which its flat translation by Notan would yield.

But I sometimes got into scrapes by mixing up the Greek prince with a Polish count, and then confounding either one or both with a Hungarian pianoforte player. Without formulating my deductions, I came instinctively to the conclusion that 'En fait d'amour, as Figaro puts it, 'trop n'est pas meme assez. From Miss Aglae's point of view a lover was a lover.

In the matter of evacuation the Germans agreed that the withdrawal of certain bodies of troops before the general peace might be discussed. In the matter of annexations a satisfactory manner of formulating this was found, making it applicable only in the event of general peace. Had the Entente then been disposed to make peace the principle of "no annexations" would have succeeded throughout.

Enoch said nothing more but rolled himself in his blankets, with the full intention of formulating his line of conduct toward Diana before going to sleep. He stretched himself luxuriously in the sand and the next thing he heard was Diana's laugh outside. He opened his eyes in bewilderment. It was dawn without the cave. Jonas was hobbling down toward the river. "Oh, Jonas, you poor thing!

At the same time, while these characteristics are common to forged writing, to make them available in formulating an opinion from an analysis they must be substantiated by every other occurring in the writing.

She heard Doyle send her off to bed, his voice angry and disgusted, and resume his packing, and ten minutes later she heard a car draw up on the street, and knew that he was off, to begin the mobilization of his heterogeneous forces. Ever since she had been able to leave her bed Elinor had been formulating a plan of escape.

These hypotheses are universally received as safe and indispensable "geological theories," because they alone give a rational explanation of the strata. Our evolutionary hypotheses can claim the same value, for the same reasons. In formulating them we are acting on the same inductive and deductive methods, and with almost equal confidence, as the geologist.