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Both their faces had been grave and solemn through all the vows and prayers, but afterward his had shone with a wild triumph. And as they had driven to his house on the Fontonka he had held Tamara's hand but had not spoken. It was a strange eventful moment when he led her up the great stairs between the rows of bowing servants up into the salons all decorated with flowers.

"It appears, as far at I can gather, they all dined at the Fontonka house Boris Varishkine and Gritzko have always been great friends and at the end of dinner Valonne imagines, because no one is sure what took place between them at this stage Gritzko, it is supposed, said to Boris in quite an amiable way that he did not wish him to dance the Mazurka with you, but to relinquish his right in his Gritzko's favor."

His mother worshipped him, but she died when he was scarcely eighteen, and his father before that. His mother is his adored memory. In all the mad scenes which he and his companions, I am afraid, have enacted in the Fontonka house, there is one set of rooms no one has dared to enter her rooms and he keeps flowers there, and an ever-burning lamp.

Supper could not be ready for half an hour, the Prince told them when they got to the Fontonka House, and as they all arrived more or less together, they soon paired off for bridge. "I am going to show Mrs. Loraine my pictures," the host said. "She admires our Catherine and Peter the Great."

Prince Milaslávski has telephoned that he gives a party at his house on the Fontonka, to dine first and then go on to a café to hear the Bohemians sing. It is a peculiarity of the place these Bohemians we shall drink in the New Year and then go. It will not bore you. No?

"Perhaps you too will understand some day." "That is not very likely," Tamara said. But alas! for the Princess' optimistic surmises as to the Prince's occupations, a rumor spread toward the end of the week of the maddest orgie which had taken place at the Fontonka house. It sounded like a phantasmagoria in which unclothed dancers, and wild beasts, and unheard-of feats seemed to float about.