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"You ought to be as nice in your manners out here alone with me as you would be in the real dining-room with Aunt Eunice and grown-up company," she reproved, daintily balancing her own spoon with an ease which the other would scarcely admit to himself that he admired. "F-f-fudge. You ain't c-c-com pany no more. You belong, don't you?" "I I guess so.

It was the Madam's opinion that "blood would tell," and the good blood of many past Sturtevants stirred now in their descendant's veins, rousing his unselfishness, and making him say: "F-f-fudge! You look b-b-beat out. I'll go the road, all right. I don't m-m-m-mind it m-m-much, not much;" for even chivalry could not prevent this last truthful word of regret.

Evidently Sir Philip judged discretion better than valor, and the behavior of the two animals afforded the family much amusement. Thus deserted of all society save his own thoughts, Monty fixed a keener attention upon the slowly advancing pair, and presently exclaimed: "F-f-fudge! Somethin's happened. Uncle Mose's leanin' on her; she's a h-h-helpin' him! She's a w-w-w-wav-in' to me like blazes!

Nor did she rouse from her reverie till somebody close at hand demanded: "I-I-I say! W-w-what's that?" Instantly upon her feet she faced the intruder, vainly trying to hide with her short skirts the glittering casket, as she demanded, in return: "How dare you come upon a person that way? Why you might have frightened me into a fit. I don't like to be scared." "Oh, f-f-fudge!

An' she seen somethin' b-b-b-lack scooting cross lots, l-l-li-lic-lick ety c-c-c-ut!" "Monty, if I were you, I wouldn't try to say 'lickety-cut, till " again reproved the girl-teacher, still forgetful of secrecy. And again Mr. Jones ignored her, asking the boy: "Where was Bob, son of Mrs. Turner, about that time?" "F-f-fudge! I don't know. Somewhere's r-r-round, m-maybe. But it wasn't him.

Of that terrible forest, of Aunt Eunice's anger, of her refusing to keep me and sending me off to that boarding-school, of Oh, dear! I wish I was back in Baltimore!" Never had the cold countenance of the second Mrs. John or those of the round little Snowballs seemed so humanly lovable to Katharine as they did at that moment, remembering them in her banishment. "F-f-fudge! Q-q-quit it!