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Updated: August 14, 2024

What wonder if some eulogise, and others revile, the new philosophy for its utilitarian ends and its merely material triumphs? In truth, the new philosophy deserves neither the praise of its eulogists, nor the blame of its slanderers.

On the other side we have her eulogists among her contemporaries and their successors. Here it should be noted that Lucretia's accusers and their charges can refer only to the Roman period of her life, while her admirers appear only in the second epoch, when she was Duchess of Ferrara.

‘It has always done so,’ said the man in black, coolly sipping. ‘Our Church has always armed the brute population against the genius and intellect of a country, provided that same intellect and genius were not willing to become its instruments and eulogists; and provided we once obtain a firm hold here again, we would not fail to do so.

In view of all these facts, Professor Allen is justified in his conclusions respecting Dominic and his share in the persecution of heretics: "Whatever his own sweet and heavenly spirit according to Catholic eulogists, his name is a synonym of bleak and intolerant fanaticism.

But leaving that matter to wiser heads than mine, I can say for myself that I like the quarters greatly, and am inclined to agree with Canadian eulogists, that it is the finest country in the world barring our own little islands. 'I don't feel, though, as if it ever could be home, observed Robert, who had taken to his shingles again.

The barren-pated Ellis caught one of the favourite diminutives of Glibly; and finished my panegyric by adding that, 'he must say, his friend, Mr. Trevor, was a prodigious pretty genius. Who but must have been proud of such an introduction to the family of the Quisques; by such orators, such eulogists, and such friends? Acquainted with Glibly, and accustomed to hear him prate, Mr.

His eulogists, however, have glowingly portrayed him as "generous, philanthropic and public-spirited." From this exceptional commentary it can be seen what was the current and rooted opinion of the character of business men in general.

He was neither lustful nor intemperate, but his professed eulogists admitted his enormous avarice, while the world has agreed that such an amount of stealth and ferocity, of patient vindictiveness and universal bloodthirstiness, were never found in a savage beast of the forest, and but rarely in a human bosom.

Cooper, who is styled by contemporary eulogists the "prince of limners," gave a strength and freedom to the art which it had not formerly possessed; but where he attempted to express more of the figure than the head, his drawing is defective. His painting was famous for the beauty of his carnation tints, and the loose flowing lines in which he described the hair of his model.

The poetry has not, however, wanted eulogists; and it may be said to have brought its eulogists luck, for almost every one who has praised Wordsworth's poetry has praised it well. But the public has remained cold, or, at least, undetermined. Even the abundance of Mr.

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