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Updated: August 17, 2024

Among other elucidations, the work contained professional testimony of the immaculacy that was claimed. Additionally, in reparation of the earlier oversight, the Virgin was genealogically descended from the royal line.

"The whole story of the trouble between him and Palmer; how he comes to be at outs with all these people." "Well," he began, and here followed with many interruptions and side elucidations, which for want of space have been eliminated, the following details: Twenty-five years before Elihu had been the leading citizen of Noank.

The three volumes of "Cromwell's Letters and Speeches," with elucidations by Carlyle, were published in 1845; the first work, one might say, conveying a sympathetic appreciation of the great Protector, all histories of the man and his times having been hitherto written from the point of view either of the Royalists or of the revolutionary Whigs.

Passing from this class of interesting though rather unamiable elucidations, I come to another class of bibliographies, of which it is difficult to speak with patience those which either profess to tell you how to find the best books to consult on every department of learning, or undertake to point out to you the books which you should select for your library, or for your miscellaneous reading.

Formerly, in a case of that nature, the learned reader would have told me that I was not entitled to delay him by elucidations that in his case must be supposed to be superfluous: and in such a remonstrance there would once have been some equity.

The late Jacob Thomasius, a celebrated Professor at Leipzig, made the apt observation in his elucidations of the philosophic rules of Daniel Stahl, a Jena professor, that it is not advisable to go altogether beyond God, and that one must not say, with some Scotists, that the eternal verities would exist even though there were no understanding, not even that of God.

I could only have wished, that, agreeable to the rules of criticism, he had not adduced the testimonies of profane authors, and especially the Poets, except in places that required those elucidations."

There comes to the author, from many readers of the foregoing pages, a demand for further elucidations respecting the mysteries of the story.

How, then, shall we understand that he wills to save all men and that he cannot do so? We sought some light to help us out of the perplexities we feel in comparing the idea of God with the state of the human kind, and lo! we are given elucidations that cast us into darkness more dense. All these obstacles vanish before the exposition I have just given.

I've been mulling over one of my favourite books it lies beside me as I write Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, edited by Carlyle, with what Carlyle amusingly calls "Elucidations." With what a grim, covenanting zeal he took up the sword when at last it was forced into his hand!

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