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I could not really say if it was large or small, those terms being relative, you know. Yes, it is in a gold case and is a stemwinder, that much I remember. It is an American, of course, but whether Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Thomas or -or any other make I really could not tell you." "You are sure it is American make?"

England also enriched the British Museum with many choice marbles from the Acropolis to preserve them, Lord Elgin explained." The professor paused for a moment and his hearers made use of the time to express some very decided opinions with reference to Lord Elgin.

From the Elgin marbles down to the lightest tendril that curls round a capital in the thirteenth century, every piece of stone that has been touched by the hand of a master, becomes soft with under-life, not resembling nature merely in skin-texture, nor in fibres of leaf, or veins of flesh; but in the broad, tender, unspeakably subtle undulation of its organic form.

We can here touch only upon those points in which their story is mixed up with public events. As to the origin and cause of the renewal of hostilities, it is impossible to speak with certainty; nor is it probable that we shall ever arrive at a better opinion on the subject, than that which was formed by Lord Elgin on the spot. In his report to the Government he wrote:

Elgin found on his arrival that British administration had thrown every element in French-Canadian politics into headlong opposition to itself.

Lamb's portrait by Meyer was bought for the India Office in 1902. My own master. As a matter of fact Lamb found the time rather heavy on his hands now and then; and he took to searching for beauties in the Garrick plays in the British Museum as a refuge. The Elgin marbles were moved there in 1816. And what is it all for? At these words, in the London Magazine, came the passage:

This treaty provided for the free interchange of certain natural products between the great republic and the several provinces which later formed the Dominion of Canada, and it had been brought about through the efforts of Lord Elgin, who at that time was governor-general of Canada.

Then the band began to play and all the tin whistles to rejoice. Young and Windle had the grace to blow their sirens, and across the excited darkness of the town came the long familiar boom of the Murchison Stove Works. Every Liberal in Elgin who had any means of making a noise made it.

The same authority also quotes Wilson and Way of Bristol, Conn., in an account of a complete avulsion of the scalp, together with tearing of the eyelid and ear. The result of the skin-grafting was not given. Powell of Chicago gives an account of a girl of nineteen who lost her scalp while working in the Elgin Watch Factory at Elgin, Illinois.

I know a hound that has an ancient, wrinkled, human, far-away look that reminds one of the bust of Homer among the Elgin marbles. He looks like the mountains toward which his heart yearns so much.