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'You'll forgive the incursion when you hear' he turned abruptly to Stonor again. 'They've been telegraphing you all over London, he said, putting his hat down in the nearest chair. 'In sheer despair they set me on your track. 'Who did? Farnborough was fumbling agitatedly in his breast-pocket. 'There was the devil to pay at Dutfield last night.

They swarmed in Hermione Heriot and Paul Filey appearing for the first time since church they overflowed into the Hall, while Jean Dunbarton, with artless enthusiasm, was demanding of Miss Levering if the reason she knew Mr. Stonor was that she had been hearing him speak. 'Yes, the lady met his eyes, 'I was visiting some relations near Dutfield. They took me to hear you.

'Ah! Lady John shook her head. 'Mr. Stonor inspires a similar enthusiasm in so many young 'They haven't studied the situation as I have. He sat down to explain his own excellence. 'They don't know what's at stake. They don't go to that hole Dutfield, as I did, just to hear his Friday speech. 'But you were rewarded. My niece, Jean, wrote me it was "glorious."

Why, I've even taken the trouble to arrange with the people at the station to receive any message that might come over from Dutfield. 'For you? She smiled at his self-importance. Breathlessly he hurried on: 'Immense unexpected pressure of work, you know now that we've forced the Liberals to appeal to the country

Farnborough balanced himself on wide-apart legs and thrust one hand in his trousers' pocket. The other hand held a telegram. 'The Liberal platform as defined at Dutfield is going to make a big difference, he pronounced. 'You think so, said Stonor, dryly.

'I'm afraid I'm scandalously early. In spite of his words the young man whipped off his dust coat and flung it to the servant with as much precipitation as though what he had meant to say was 'scandalously late. 'I motored up from Dutfield. It didn't take me nearly so long as Lord John said. The lady had given the young man her hand without rising.

'Oh, only that I went from your house to the club, you know and I met Lord Windlesham as I rushed up the Carlton steps. 'Well? 'I told him the Dutfield news. Stonor turned sharply round. His face was much more interested than any of his words had been. As though in the silence, Stonor had asked a question, Farnborough produced the answer. 'Your brother said it only confirmed his fears.

And quite proper, too! 'Well, Jean quickly recovered her smiles 'if I do think with my husband, and feel with him as of course I shall it will surprise me if I ever find myself talking a tenth as well! In her enthusiasm she followed her uncle to the French window. 'You should have heard him at Dutfield. She stopped short. 'The Freddy Tunbridges! she exclaimed, looking out into the garden.