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That Injun devil wouldn't make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak 'bout this and they didn't hang him. Now, look-a-here, Tom, less take and swear to one another that's what we got to do swear to keep mum." "I'm agreed. It's the best thing. Would you just hold hands and swear that we " "Oh no, that wouldn't do for this.

Trying to save a fellow from drownding, and knives yer!" They were all very eager to know what was to become of the prisoners, and upon my telling the poor fellows what I knew, I heard them giving their opinions to one another in a lying-down debate. "Seems a pity," said one of the men.

But that only made him hollo the louder, and he holloed so loud that at last he made somebody hear. It was Hen Billard's grandmother, and she put her head out of the window with her nightcap on, to see what the matter was. Jim Leonard caught sight of her, and he screamed: "Fire, fire, fire! I'm drownding, Mrs. Billard! Oh, do somebody come!" Hen Billard's grandmother just gave one yell of "Fire!

As he was turning away in deep disappointment, Burtis appeared on the scene, and with a complacent grin, remarked, "She's only down by the boat-house, a-seein' howl saved ye from drownding." Harcourt slipped a bank-note into his hand, and said, "There's for your good services now if not then," and was off for the water's edge with as much speed as he dared use before observant eyes.

"Well, I got no notion of drownding you off in the first white water we come across," said Welton; "but I tell you what to do: you wait around here a few days, helping the cook or Billy there, and I'll take you down to the mill and put you on the booms where you can practise in still water with a pike-pole, and can go warm up in the engine room when you fall off. Suit you?" "Yes, sir.

He come up tame and squirting sewage like a dissolute porpoise, while I played him out where he'd get the thrash of the propeller. "'Help, he yells, 'I'm a drownding. "'Ten dollars and costs," says I, lettin' him under again. 'Do you know who you're drinkin' with this time, hey?

"Then tell me where her claim is. It's quite rich, and you must know it," says she, appealing to him. Up against it? Say! I seen the whites of his eyes show like he was drownding, and he grinned joyful as a man kicked in the stummick. "Er er I just bought in here, and ain't acquainted much," says he.

But that only made him hollo the louder, and he holloed so loud that at last he made somebody hear. It was Hen Billard's grandmother, and she put her head out of the window with her night-cap on, to see what the matter was. Jim Leonard caught sight of her and he screamed, "Fire, fire, fire! I'm drownding, Mrs. Billard! Oh, do somebody come!" Hen Billard's grandmother just gave one yell of "Fire!

That Injun devil wouldn't make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak 'bout this and they didn't hang him. Now, look-a-here, Tom, less take and swear to one another that's what we got to do swear to keep mum." "I'm agreed. It's the best thing. Would you just hold hands and swear that we " "Oh no, that wouldn't do for this.

"I released it, and it flowed I mean flew up the chimbley." With the shamefaced air of a man detected in the performance of a noble action, he passed out of the room. Husband and wife eyed each other. "That's Alf that's Alf all over," said Mr. Teak, with enthusiasm. "He's been like it from a child. He's the sort of man that 'ud dive off Waterloo Bridge to save the life of a drownding sparrow."