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Updated: August 20, 2024

An hour passed, and the waiting was weary, for it was drizzling. But Carshaw waited, being a persistent young man. At last, after seven, a pang of fear shot through his breast. He remembered the girl's curious account of the dream-man. He determined to knock at the door, relying on his wits to invent some excuse if any stranger opened. But to his repeated loud knockings there came no answer.

"So you too are one of those who rave about modern women, those miserable hysterical feminine creatures who don't appreciate a real man in their somnambulistic search for some dream-man and masculine ideal. Amid tears and convulsions they daily outrage their Christian duties; they cheat and are cheated; they always seek again and choose and reject; they are never happy, and never give happiness.

'I meant every word I said but I suppose there's some one else. 'Only a dream-man, Horace. 'What about that American? 'What American? Her agitation was something she could hardly have explained. 'That author-fellow at Roselawn. He was frightfully keen on you.

Quickly thou must come in, for Eric has both second-sight and hearing, and no doubt he knows already that here thou art " and talking thus as she went, Mrs. Beaton led the way up a wide, light stairway. Even as Mrs. Beaton was speaking a thin, eager voice called Sunna's name, a door flew open, and a man, beautiful as a dream-man, stood in the entrance to welcome them.

Her bare arms were about his neck; a sigh, the token of utter surrender, fluttered from her throat. She raised her face to his and their lips melted together. For a time they were all alone in the universe, the center of all ecstasy. Dave was whispering wild incoherencies as Alaire lay in his embrace, her limbs relaxed, her flesh touching his, her body clinging to his. "Dream-man!" she murmured.

There could be no harm in it now, and the old longing came upon her as if she had never tried to resist it. She sat facing the shadows and concentrated all her thoughts on one point with a steady effort, sure that presently she should be thinking of nothing and waiting for the vision to appear, and for the dream-man she had loved so long.

But I didn't know, until a moment ago." "I've known, all the time ever since the first moment I saw you," he told her, hoarsely. "To me you're all there is; nothing else matters. And you love me! God! I wonder if I'm awake." "Dream-man," she repeated, more slowly. "Oh, why did you come so late?" "So late?" "Yes. We must think it out, the best way we can, I wonder what you think of me?"

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