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Verona was the first place I felt reluctance to quit; but the Venetian state certainly possesses uncommon, and to me almost unaccountable, attractions. Be that as it will, we leave these sweet Paduans to-morrow; the coach is disposed of, and we are to set out upon our watry journey to their wonderfully-situated metropolis, or as they call it prettily, La Bella Dominante.

His idee dominante has been how to pacify Italian conspirators by bringing away his army from Rome, without having the Pope's throat cut or letting in an Austrian garrison there; and he determined that driving the Austrians out of Italy was the indispensable preliminary step.

Tho' I by no means approve either the Impudence of the Servants or the Extravagance of the Son, I cannot but think the old Gentleman was in some measure justly served for walking in Masquerade, I mean appearing in a Dress so much beneath his Quality and Estate. No. 151. Thursday, August 23, 1711. Steele. 'Maximas Virtutes jacere omnes necesse est Voluptate dominante. Tull. 'de Fin.

Fecisti patriam diversis gentibus unam: Profuit invitis te dominante capi; Dumque offers victis proprii consortia iuris, Urbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat. In this noble apostrophe Rutilius addressed the fading mistress of the world as he passed lingeringly through the Ostian gate.

Compartió con ellos las penalidades y escaseces del destierro, tanto más duro para él cuanto que tenía que atender a familia propia, pues se había casado en Madrid con D.ª Juana Castilla y Portugal. Las letras, que sólo por afición cultivó antes, fuéronle ahora recurso eficaz de subsistencia. Escribía en periódicos sobre materias varias, y especialmente contra el absolutismo dominante en España.