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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Good money-savin' scheme, ain't it?" said the Virginian. "Lettin' a freight run down one hill an' up the next as far as she'll go without steam, an' shavin' the hill down to that point." Now this was an honest engineering fact. "Better'n settin' dudes squintin' through telescopes and cypherin' over one per cent reductions," the Southerner commented. "It's common sense," assented Trampas.

Well, says Eldad, I hope I may be skinned if the same thing did'nt een amost happen to me at my examination. They axed me a nation sight of questions, some on 'em I could answer, and some on 'em no soul could, right off the reel at a word, without a little cypherin; at last they axed me, "How would you calculate to put a patient into a sweat, when common modes would'nt work no how?"

"Well, when you've done, go to France, to Belgium, and to Prussia, three sizeable places for Europe, and rake and scrape every private carriage they've got, and they ain't no touch to what Ascot can show. Well, when you've done your cypherin', come right back to London, as hard as you can clip from the race-course, and you won't miss any of 'em; the town is as full as ever, to your eyes.

"Well, when you've done, go to France, to Belgium, and to Prussia, three sizeable places for Europe, and rake and scrape every private carriage they've got, and they ain't no touch to what Ascot can show. Well, when you've done your cypherin', come right back to London, as hard as you can clip from the race-course, and you won't miss any of 'em; the town is as full as ever, to your eyes.

"Rufe heard all this, and it kinder seemed dark to him; so arter cypherin' it over in his head a bit, 'Waiter, says he, 'ain't them the Falls of Niagara, I see there? "'No, Sir. "'Well, that's tarnation all over now. Not the Falls? "'No, Sir. "'Why, you don't mean to say, that them are ain't the Falls? "'Yes, I do, Sir. "'Heaven and airth!

"Rufe heard all this, and it kinder seemed dark to him; so arter cypherin' it over in his head a bit, 'Waiter, says he, 'ain't them the Falls of Niagara, I see there? "'No, Sir. "'Well, that's tarnation all over now. Not the Falls? "'No, Sir. "'Why, you don't mean to say, that them are ain't the Falls? "'Yes, I do, Sir. "'Heaven and airth!

"'Oh! sais he, and he walked up and down agin, cypherin' like to himself; and then says he, 'I'll tell you; that word Socdolager, and the trade of preachin', and clockmakin', it would be as well to sink here; neither on 'em convene with dignity. Don't you think so? "'Sartainly, sais I; 'it's only fit for talk over a cigar, alone. It don't always answer a good, purpose to blart every thing out.

"'Oh! sais he, and he walked up and down agin, cypherin' like to himself; and then says he, 'I'll tell you; that word Socdolager, and the trade of preachin', and clockmakin', it would be as well to sink here; neither on 'em convene with dignity. Don't you think so? "'Sartainly, sais I; 'it's only fit for talk over a cigar, alone. It don't always answer a good, purpose to blart every thing out.

"You are right, Timothy," said his wife; "right, as you always are. Follow the dictates of your own heart, and fear not that I shall disapprove." "Humph!" said Aunt Rachel; "you ain't actin' right, accordin' to my way of thinkin'. Readin', writin' and cypherin' was enough for girls to learn in my day. What's the use of stuffin' the girl's head full of nonsense that'll never do her no good?

I was so pleased with the Queen's Crown, that it occurd to me what a agree'ble surprise it would be to send a sim'lar one home to my wife; and I asked the Warder what was the vally of a good, well-constructed Crown like that. He told me, but on cypherin up up with a pencil the amount of funs I have in the Jint Stock Bank, I conclooded I'd send her a genteel silver watch instid.

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