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The pretty little Merlin is a much more common autumnal visitant to the Islands than the Hobby, but, like the Peregrine, the majority of instances are young birds of the year which visit the Islands on their autumnal migration. When I was in Guernsey in November, 1875, two Merlins, both young birds, were brought in to Mr. Couch's.

It was town talk that Tobit McStenger was a hard father; drunk or sober, he chastised little Tobe upon the slightest occasion. "But," said Tobit McStenger, after admitting his severity as a parent before the bar in Couch's saloon, "let any one else lay a finger on that kid! Just let 'em! They'll find out, jail or no jail, I'm ugly!"

Next, near the river, and opposite Porter's corps, was our own Sixth corps, Slocum's and Smith's divisions, Smith's nearest the stream. Then, on our left was Sumner's corps, Sedgwick's and Richardson's divisions; and finally, on the left of all, was Heintzelman, with his divisions under Hooker and Kearney, and Couch's division, of Keyes' corps.

The firing presently ceased, and from some mounted officers the intelligence was communicated that General Couch's division was now immediately upon our front, and that our pickets were in correspondence with his.

The Valley of the Antietam Gathering of the hosts The battle-field The battle commenced Splendid fighting of Hooker's forces Successes and reverses of Sumner's troops Timely arrival of the Sixth corps A gallant charge Losses of the corps Burnside's attack Hours of suspense The enemy defeated at all points Retreat of the rebels Scenes on the battle-field At the hospitals At Sharpsburgh A division of militia Couch's division joins the Sixth corps Visit of the President Recruits Energy at the north At rest Want of clothing Stuart's raid Delays Clear Spring General Brooks.

Her mistress's slumber prepared for Matilda then softened the inaccuracies of the couch's surface for her own more humble repose. Neither felt like talking; there was too much to talk about. So soon both were in their beds, the lights out. Mrs. De Peyster lay dazed upon this strange bed that operated like a lorgnette: tremulously existing, awake, yet hardly capable of coherent thought.

The Union army lost four thousand five hundred and seventeen in killed and wounded, and one thousand two hundred and twenty-two missing. Nearly one-half of all these losses were from Casey's and Couch's divisions. General Johnston reported the rebel loss in Longstreet's and Hill's commands at four thousand two hundred and thirty-six.

The Dartford Warbler is by no means common in the Channel Islands indeed I have never seen one there myself, but Miss C.B. Carey records one in the 'Zoologist' for 1874 as having been knocked down with a stone in the April of that year and brought into Couch's shop, where she saw it. I have no doubt of the correctness of this identification, as Miss Carey knew the bird well.

Couch's would come next and land at Beaufort for operations on the New Berne line. Meagher had ordered it to rendezvous at New York, but Grant changed its destination to Washington with the purpose just stated. On Thursday the 2d of February, General Schofield was able to issue his final orders for embarkation.

Right gallantly and with ringing cheers did they spring forward, until within a hundred yards of the enemy, when they halted and sent a scorching fire of musketry directly into their faces. Couch's division on the left had been thrown forward almost at the same moment, and the order was obeyed with equal alacrity and effect.