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"He's at Norwich Mews Berkeley Square way, sir." Edward Henry hesitated. "Very well, then!" he said commandingly. "Send for him. Let me see him." He thought: "Dash it! I'm at Wilkins's I'll be at Wilkins's!" "Certainly, sir! Thank you very much, sir." The hotel-valet was retiring when Edward Henry called him back. "Stop a moment. I'm just going out. Help me on with my overcoat, will you?"

He liked reminding himself that the towering elms drew their leafy verdure from Lord Ashbridge's soil; that the rows of hen-coops in the park, populous and cheeping with infant pheasants, belonged to the same fortunate gentleman who in November would so unerringly shoot them down as they rocketted swiftly over the highest of his tree-tops; that to him also appertained the long-fronted Jacobean house which stood so commandingly upon the hill-top, and glowed with all the mellowness of its three-hundred-years-old bricks.

She might be an excellent friend to Elizabeth; and she could be, when she liked, both commandingly and bewitchingly ladylike. Good! But he was a General Officer of not more than fifty-five, in his full vigour, and she a woman of seventy! The prospect was bleak. It resembled an outlook on the steppes.

If I am silent, my people will wait until I speak again; if they see me not they will wait till I enter their camps once more. Why are you here? Speak, rogue and liar." The wrathful old man, sure in his reading of the youth, towered above him commandingly.

He read the responses in a slow, booming roar, at least half a sentence behind the rest, but the minister always waited for him. As he finished, he saw the sexton standing in the open door. "A little more steam, Jehiel," he added commandingly, running the words on to the end of the text.

To Elza he spoke commandingly, but with that deference to which every woman of birth and breeding is entitled from a man. We rose straight up and, at 18,000 feet, headed northward by a point or two west.

'Il segreto! the girl cried commandingly, with a forefinger at his breast. He crossed arms, toning in similar recitative, with anguish, 'Dove volare! They joined in half a dozen bars of operatic duet. She flew to him, embraced and kissed. 'I must have it, my papa! unlock. I've been spying the bird on its hedgerow nest so long!

Martha was dining with them. She abetted her father. "It's light," said she. "It couldn't harm anybody." "You mustn't touch it, popsy," said Jane. She unthinkingly spoke a little too commandingly. Her father, in a perverse and reckless mood, took Martha's advice. An hour later Dr. Charlton was summoned, and had he not arrived promptly

From behind a screen, which was covered with faded wall paper, the figure of the doctor emerged while they waited, an ample middle-aged man, with the air of having got into his clothes in a hurry and the face of a pragmatic philosopher. He motioned commandingly for them to approach; and going to the other side of the screen, they found the dying woman gazing at them with eager eyes.

With his own strong appreciation of present things, he saw and grasped the vast present interest lying beneath his hand. For fifty minutes he held the interest of the House, speaking insistently, fearlessly, commandingly on the immediate need of action.