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Updated: January 28, 2025
'Il segreto! the girl cried commandingly, with a forefinger at his breast. He crossed arms, toning in similar recitative, with anguish, 'Dove volare! They joined in half a dozen bars of operatic duet. She flew to him, embraced and kissed. 'I must have it, my papa! unlock. I've been spying the bird on its hedgerow nest so long!
Thus Varro derives -facere- from -facies-, because he who makes anything gives to it an appearance, -volpes-, the fox, after Stilo from -volare pedibus- as the flying-footed; Gaius Trebatius, a philosophical jurist of this age, derives -sacellum- from -sacra cella-, Figulus -frater- from -fere alter- and so forth.
'Il segreto! the girl cried commandingly, with a forefinger at his breast. He crossed arms, toning in similar recitative, with anguish, 'Dove volare! They joined in half a dozen bars of operatic duet. She flew to him, embraced and kissed. 'I must have it, my papa! unlock. I've been spying the bird on its hedgerow nest so long!
In the midst were some Latin verses from a cabalistical author, written out so fairly, that even the gloom of the place did not prevent Tressilian from reading them. The tenor of the original ran as follows: "Si fixum solvas, faciasque volare solutum, Et volucrem figas, facient te vivere tutum; Si pariat ventum, valet auri pondere centum; Ventus ubi vult spirat Capiat qui capere potest."
Scilicet huc reddi deinde, ac resoluta referri Omnia, nec morti esse locum, sed viva volare Sideris in numerum, atque alto succedere caelo." That is: "Induced by such examples, some have taught That bees have portions of ethereal thought, Endued with particles of heavenly fires, For God the whole created mass inspires.
Thus Varro derives -facere- from -facies-, because he who makes anything gives to it an appearance, -volpes-, the fox, after Stilo from -volare pedibus- as the flying-footed; Gaius Trebatius, a philosophical jurist of this age, derives -sacellum- from -sacra cella-, Figulus -frater- from -fere alter- and so forth.
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