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Updated: January 3, 2025
For the same reason as that suggested by Calmet, Columella calls the mandrake semihomo: "Quamvis semihominis vesano gramine fœta Mandragoræ pariat flores." "Let it not vex thee if thy teeming field The half-man Mandrake's madd'ning seed should yield;"
In the midst were some Latin verses from a cabalistical author, written out so fairly, that even the gloom of the place did not prevent Tressilian from reading them. The tenor of the original ran as follows: "Si fixum solvas, faciasque volare solutum, Et volucrem figas, facient te vivere tutum; Si pariat ventum, valet auri pondere centum; Ventus ubi vult spirat Capiat qui capere potest."
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