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And, Mr Allyside, I am afraid you are equally indifferent. Ali Seyyid. Coldwaite. You have certainly presented the matter in a light which is altogether new to me, Mr Rollestone, and upon which, therefore, I am not now prepared to express an opinion. I should like to discuss the subject with you further privately. Rollestone. It is a subject which should never be discussed except privately.

That no idea or feeling arises, save as a result of some physical force expended in producing it, is fast becoming a commonplace of science; and whoever duly weighs the evidence will see that nothing but an overwhelming bias in favour of a preconceived theory can explain its non-acceptance. I think my friend Mr Herbert Spencer has demonstrated this conclusively. Coldwaite.

I should never have suspected it. He will be first favourite in London this season, and win in a canter. Coldwaite. You will excuse me, Mr Rollestone, but I really am interested, and I really am serious. It was with no idle curiosity that I was waiting to hear your answer to Mr Germsell's inquiry, as to the nature of the moral experiment necessary to test the character of this unseen force.

Then there is Mr Coldwaite, the celebrated Comtist; and Mr Fussle, who writes those delightful articles on prehistoric aesthetic evolution; and Mr Drygull, the eminent theosophist, whose stories about esoteric Buddhism are quite too extraordinary, and who has promised to bring a Khoja a most interesting moral specimen, my dear who has just arrived from Bombay; and Lord Fondleton. Mrs Allmash.

Much that has heretofore been to earnest seekers unknowable will become knowable, and a love, Mr Coldwaite, higher, if that be possible, than the love of humanity, yet correlative with and inseparable from it, will be found pressing with an irresistible potency into those vacant spaces of the human heart, which have from all time yearned for a closer contact with the Great Source of all love and of all force.

A sort of circular love, in fact. I've often felt it: but I didn't think it right to encourage it. Lady Fritterly. Lord Fondleton, how can you be so silly? Don't pay attention to him, Mr Coldwaite. I confess I still don't see how you can get a higher love out of humanity than humanity has already got in it, unless you are to look to some other source for it. Coldwaite.

His followers, owing to the value they attached to murder as a remedial agent, have been known by the name of the "Assassins." Mrs Allmash. Oh, good gracious! Lady Fritterly. My dear Louisa, what is the matter? You look quite frightened. Ali Seyyid. Mrs Allmash is a little alarmed because I proposed a new morality for the future, as well as a new religion. Mr Coldwaite.

It is in this great emotion, as it seems to me, that you will find at once the religion and the morality of the future. Germsell. From what source do you get the force which enables you to love humanity with a devotion so intense that it shall elevate your present moral standard? Coldwaite. From humanity itself.