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Updated: August 4, 2024

She was so prostrated yesterday by the shock of what happened in her absence that she couldn't talk coherently to you then; but she feels that she must see you for a few moments, if possible, and she is unable to come out this morning. May I take you over in my sleigh?" Alida, showing no trace of surprise at the message, rose at once to go up-stairs for her hat, but Mrs.

Now, as Sir Nigel's story was a long one, and as the young man was too agitated to tell it altogether coherently, we will go back for a certain space of time, and tell the very remarkable story, the details of which were told to Mr.

She laid her hand on Patterson's arm, and said, "Come! let us go," and led him a few steps toward the gateway. But here Patterson paused, and again passed his hand over his melancholy brow. The necessity of coherently and logically closing the conversation impressed itself upon his darkening mind. "Then you don't happen to have heard anything of Spencer?" he said sadly, and vanished with Mrs.

"Indeed, Monsieur," quoth Monsieur Fournier as soon as he could speak coherently, "you have done everything that you set out to do and done it with perfect chivalry. You conveyed 'the toys' safely over the frontier as far as St. Claude." "But how?" I stammered, "how?"

You have often said that when with me, you reason more calmly than when you think alone; only tell me coherently what has chanced, and all may not be so gloomy as you believe." St. Eval suffered himself to be persuaded, and seating himself beside his sister, he complied with her request. The fact was simply this.

It was not a mark made by the bleeding wounds, since the whole body was wrapped up and covered with sweet spices, but it was a supernatural portrait, bearing testimony to the divine creative power ever abiding in the body of Jesus. I have seen many things relative to the subsequent history of this piece of linen, but I could not describe them coherently.

"'I can't believe that it isn't some sort of fairy palace! I exclaimed. And to think that no one knows who owns the place or when it is going to be opened! "'I'll tell you all about that' he answered. 'I built it, I own it, and it will be opened just when you accept my offer and play in it. "It all seemed too amazing. For a time I couldn't speak coherently.

It was on the Friday succeeding the funeral, when Amos and Jim were together in the yard of the latter's home, where the symbol of warning to Master Lillie had been prepared, that the barber's apprentice burst in upon them like a whirlwind. Excitement was written on every feature of his face, and several seconds elapsed before he could speak coherently. Then he exclaimed: "It has come at last!

Packer slipped quietly away, and jumping into a boat paddled after the two canoes which had emerged from under the cliff a moment before, and were now sliding swiftly down stream. It was some time before the boys could talk coherently.

It was an hour before she could speak coherently of the happenings of the last twenty-four hours; she had to be warmed and fed and calmed. And it was curious how the lover in him and the physician in him alternated in that hour; he had been instant with the soothing commonplace of help, her wet clothes, her chilled body, her hunger, were his first concern.

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