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Yet, while she appears united and centralised when we think of her nebulous prototype, the Holy Roman Empire, we have only to compare her with her Western neighbours, and especially with that triumph of State-organisation, Germany, to see how amorphous, how inefficient, how loose, how mediaeval is the structure of this enormous State.

The moderates, who were in a majority, occupied, as their name implied, an intermediate position between the unitarians or revolutionary party, who wished for a centralised republic after the French model, and the federalists or conservatives, who aimed at retaining so far as possible the rights of the several provinces and towns to manage their own affairs.

Necessity of Reorganising the Provincial Administration Zemstvo Created in 1864 My First Acquaintance with the Institution District and Provincial Assemblies The Leading Members Great Expectations Created by the Institution These Expectations Not Realised Suspicions and Hostility of the Bureaucracy Zemstvo Brought More Under Control of the Centralised Administration What It Has Really Done Why It Has Not Done More -Rapid Increase of the Rates How Far the Expenditure Is Judicious Why the Impoverishment of the Peasantry Was Neglected Unpractical, Pedantic Spirit Evil Consequences Chinese and Russian Formalism Local Self-Government of Russia Contrasted with That of England Zemstvo Better than Its Predecessors Its Future.

It was considered necessary, therefore, to supplement the spontaneous vitality of the lower courts, and for this purpose was created a special centralised judicial administration, at the head of which was placed the Minister of Justice. The Minister is "Procureur-General," and has subordinates in all the courts.

The distinguishing feature of French imperial activity during this period was its dependence upon the support and direction of the home government, which was the natural result of the highly centralised regime established in France during the modern era.

There would be plenty of eggs then, and in a few weeks squabs quiveringly, helplessly fat. It was a good tree, for it gave good tidings, and it centralised the shelter of the Isle. Its blooms were delightfully, dashingly red, and they lasted long that is, if the camp the soil rectified by sun and rain happened to be in residence, for then the sulphur-crested cockatoos would be scared.

It is the belief in force and a preference for settling things by force instead of by agreement that threatens or destroys nationality. And I have given an indication of the fact that it is not merely war, but the preparation for war, implying as it does great homogeneity in states and centralised bureaucratic control, which is to-day the great enemy of nationality.

This is the reverse of Adam Smith's remark upon the superior liberality of the English country-gentleman, who did not, like the manufacturers, invoke protection and interference. In truth, Young desired both advantages, the vigour of a centralised government and the energy of an independent aristocracy.

For wherever a very strictly centralised system of government exists, it is clear that a machinery, which needs little to turn it to the advantage of the absolute rule of a rebellious minority, has been already constructed.

The youth, from six to fifteen, are taken from their homes by Government, centralised at Hatiheu, where they are supported by a weekly tax of food; and, with the exception of one month in every year, surrendered wholly to the direction of the priests.