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Prince Camaralzaman's answer extremely afflicted his father; he was not a little grieved to see what an aversion he had to marriage, yet would not call his obedience in question, nor make use of his paternal authority: he contented himself with telling him that he would not force his inclinations, and gave him time to consider of what he had proposed to him; yet wished him to remember, that, as a prince designed to govern a great kingdom, he ought to take some care to leave behind him a successor.

Behram, being informed of Amgrad and his brother Assad's stories, proposed to his benefactor to fit him a vessel to convey them to their father king Camaralzaman's court; for, said he, the king must certainly have heard of your innocence, and impatiently desire to see you ere this; otherwise we can easily inform ourselves of the truth before we land; and if he is still in the same mind, you can return hither.

The princess, fearing they would betray her if they had any knowledge of it, first composed her mind a little, moderated her grief, and forbade her women to say or do any thing that might make them suspect the truth. Then she undressed herself, and put on prince Camaralzaman's suit; being so like him in it, that the next day, when she came abroad, his men took her for him.

After four months he reached a large populous seaport town named Torf, and here he heard no more of the Princess Badoura but a great deal of Prince Camaralzaman, who was reported ill, and whose story sounded very similar to that of the Princess Badoura. Marzavan was rejoiced, and set out at once for Prince Camaralzaman's residence.

She was surprised to see a light in Prince Camaralzaman's chamber, and entered, without stopping, over the slave who lay at the door. Prince Camaralzaman had but half-covered his face with the bedclothes, and Maimoune perceived the finest young man she had seen in all her rambles through the world.

In answer to Camaralzaman's inquiries as to the reason for this, Marzavan replied that the only chance they had of continuing their journey was to divert attention by creating the idea of the prince's death. "Your father will doubtless be plunged in the deepest grief," he went on, "but his joy at your return will be all the greater."

When he was as near the city as he thought convenient, he would not cast anchor, but let the ship ride off-shore; and, going into his boat with as many hands as he wanted, he landed a little way off the port, whence he went directly to Camaralzaman's garden. Though it was about midnight when he arrived there, the prince was not asleep.

When he was as near to the city as he thought convenient, he would not cast anchor, but let the ship ride off the shore; and going into his boat, with six of his stoutest seamen, he landed a little way off the port, whence he went directly to Camaralzaman's garden. Though it was about midnight when he arrived there, the prince was not asleep.

It is impossible to express Prince Camaralzaman's joy: 'Dear princess, continued he to himself, 'this happy minute, which restores to me a treasure so precious to thee, is without doubt a presage of our meeting again, perhaps even sooner than I think. So saying, he kissed the talisman, wrapped it up in a ribbon, and tied it carefully about his arm.

Ah, cruel! said he to himself, still looking on the bird, thou hadst delight in mischief; so I have the less reason to complain of what thou didst to me. It is impossible to express prince Camaralzaman's joy.