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Then I saw that she cast a longing glance over the rough hills toward the King's Highway, and looked for some path by which she might go thither. Her two wily companions endeavored to allay her fears by offering all manner of cajolements, none of which either diverted or quieted her mind. "O ye friends of mine!" cried Miss Church-Member, "I can find rest only on yonder King's Highway.

"You say that now, girl, and it's well and bravely said; but will you have strength to put your words to proof? When I am gone, and there are none but Richard's foes about you, will you resist their menaces, their arguments, their cajolements, and be true as steel?" "I will, I will; I swear it," answered Harry, passionately; "they shall never turn me from it.

She intrigued with each secretly; and bestowed her fondness and withdrew it, plied them with tears, smiles, kisses, cajolements; when the mother was angry, as happened often, flew to the father, and sheltering behind him, pursued her victim; when both were displeased, transferred her caresses to the domestics, or watched until she could win back her parents' good graces, either by surprising them into laughter and good-humor, or appeasing them by submission and artful humility.

There impotence reigns; there ideas have ceased they have evaporated together with energy amongst the affectations of the boudoir and the cajolements of women. There are fledglings of forty, old doctors of sixty years. The wealthy obtain in Paris ready-made wit and science formulated opinions which save them the need of having wit, science, or opinion of their own.

In addition to the downright lunacy of the courting of country society, by means of the cajolements witnessed this day, a suspicion that Victor was wearing a false face over the signification of Jarniman's visit and meant to deceive the trustful and too-devoted loving woman he seemed bound to wreck, irritated the best of his nature.

With diplomacy, with caution, by cruelty, cajolements, threatenings, and slaughter he had made his position sufficiently stable to attack her. Now she lay at his feet, acknowledging him her master Mecca, the headstone of Arabia, the inviolate city whose traditions spoke of her kinship with the heroes and prophets of an earlier world. Henceforward the command of Arabia was but a question of time.

There impotence reigns; there ideas have ceased they have evaporated together with energy amongst the affectations of the boudoir and the cajolements of women. There are fledglings of forty, old doctors of sixty years. The wealthy obtain in Paris ready-made wit and science formulated opinions which save them the need of having wit, science, or opinion of their own.