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"Quit laughing, I say, or we may call moose here till crack o' doom without getting an answer. I guess they're all off to the four winds a'ready, scared by our fooling." "I told you so, boys," breathed the guide two hours later, with an overwhelming sigh of regret, after he had given his most fetching calls in vain. "I told you so. There ain't anything bigger'n a buck-rabbit travelling.

He laughed when he thought of Major Belwether, too, confounded under the loss of such a nephew-in-law, humiliated, crushed, all his misleading jocularity, all his sleek pink-and-white suavity, all his humbugging bonhomie knocked out of him, leaving only a rumpled, startled old gentleman, who bore an amusing resemblance to a very much mussed-up buck-rabbit.

Ef you means her, she's off to church to-day, an' sleeps at her mammy's house. "'Does you feel willin' to swar to de trufe of your insertion, ole dame? he disclaims. 'I shall resist on dat' fierce as a buck-rabbit, holdin' up his right hand, an' blinkin' his little 'cute eyes. "Sartin an' sure I does when de right time is come, I sez.

Where d'you play in your game? 'Forward, sir. 'You can do better than that. I've seen you run like a young buck-rabbit. Ask Dickson from me to try you as three-quarter next game, will you? Cut along. Jevons left, warm for the first time that day, enormously set up in his own esteem, and very hot against the deceitful Babcock. Mullins turned to Winton.