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I swear I will!" Bramhall passed easily into the final. Erasmus, too, romped home in their first and second rounds. So on the eve of the great race it was known throughout Bramhall that the house must be prepared to measure itself against Erasmus' famous four. Betting showed Erasmus as firm favourites, the school critics looking askance at Johnson, our weakest man.

As soon as the theatre of hostilities had changed from the baths to Bramhall House, he, too, had crossed the road and entered unobserved by Fillet's private doorway. He knew well enough that of all the outposts in his schools' system of discipline Bramhall was the weakest held.

The Bramhallites recently organised a very successful punitive raid on the local errand boys, who were getting too uppish, and now he has stopped all "exeats" for the members of Bramhall House. The town is out of bounds. Third in importance is my quarrel with Edgar Doe. It began, I think, with his jealousy of me as Radley's new favourite.

In his story, 'Loss and Gain, he makes one of his characters, who has just become a Catholic, thus refer to the stock Anglican Divines, a class of writers who are, at all events, immensely superior to the Ellicotts and Farrars of these latter days: 'I am embracing that creed which upholds the divinity of tradition with Laud, consent of Fathers with Beveridge, a visible Church with Bramhall, dogma with Bull, the authority of the Pope with Thorndyke, penance with Taylor, prayers for the dead with Ussher, celibacy, asceticism, ecclesiastical discipline with Bingham. What is this to say but that, according to the Cardinal, our great English divines have divided the Roman dress-suit amongst themselves?

All the Bramhall prefects were there Bickerton, Kepple-Goddard, and the prosecuting counsel, Banana-Skin; and Stanley Stanley by the grace of God. "Bring the boy Doe in," ordered Stanley, "and kick that gas-bag Pennybet out. If he were a year younger we'd whack him too." No one thought himself specifically addressed, and Penny was left in possession of the floor.

He spoke of it as a disciple of Andrewes and Bramhall would speak of it; it was a high Anglican sermon, full, after the example of the Homilies, Jeremy Taylor, and devotional writers like George Herbert and Bishop Ken, of the fervid language of the Fathers; and that was all. Beyond this it did not go; its phraseology was strictly within Anglican limits.

This morning it struck strange and cold to hear Bickerton say: "Here's the little bounder." I entered, and saw the whole array of Bramhall prefects assembled, Stanley, their senior, presiding. Bickerton shut the door ceremoniously. There were twelve of them, and every man was a blood.

It didn't lessen my suffering to watch the gallery filling with excited boys, and to see the crowd on the ground-floor make way for Salome himself, followed by Fillet and Radley as representatives of Bramhall, and Upton as house-master of Erasmus. Perspiration beaded my forehead. My heart fluttered, and I began to fear some failure in that quarter.

Great authorities, such as Laud or Bramhall, seem to have considered that we only sign the Articles as articles of peace; not as really holding them, but as not opposing them. Therefore, when we sign the Articles, we only engage not to preach against them." Reding thought; then he said: "Tell me, Bateman, would not this view of subscription to the Articles let the Unitarians into the Church?"

Knebworth House, Hertfordshire, formerly had a secret chamber known as "Hell Hole." It has, however, been altered. The "Clough Inn," Chard, Somersetshire, is said by tradition to have possessed three secret rooms! Cawdor Castle, Nairnshire a hiding-place formerly in "the tower." Bramhall Hall, Cheshire two secret recesses were discovered not long ago during alterations.