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On the south side are two large square cloisters of no great interest with a sacristy between in which all the kings of the House of Braganza lie in velvet-covered coffins and the various monastic buildings now inhabited by the patriarch of Lisbon. The outside is plain, except for the west front, which stands at the top of a great flight of steps.

Besides these, there were six chaplains, four bakers, a Jew perfumer, and a certain officer, probably without an office, who called himself her highness's barber. Katharine de Braganza was far from appearing with splendour in the charming court where she came to reign; however, in the end she was pretty successful. Continuation of Lord Clarendon's Life, p. 167.

Charles II. had married Catharine of Braganza, by whom there was no issue, and consequently his brother was the lawful heir.

He acted with his usual subtlety. In October 1807 France and Spain agreed to divide Portugal between them; and on the advance of their forces the reigning House of Braganza fled helplessly from Lisbon to a refuge in Brazil. But the seizure of Portugal was only a prelude to the seizure of Spain.

He himself was closely related to the Portuguese royal family, and in 1580 he laid formal claim to that kingdom. The duke of Braganza, whose claim was better than Philip's, was bought off by immense grants and the country was overrun by Spanish troops.

And he read, "Don John, by the grace of God, King of Portugal and of Algarves, kingdoms on this side of Africa, lord over Guinea, by conquest, navigation, and trade with Arabia, Persia, and the Indies " "What is all that?" said the King. "Who talks in this manner?" "The Duke of Braganza, King of Portugal, crowned already some time by a man whom they call Pinto.

At Paris the niece of Josephine, Mademoiselle de Tascher, whom Napoleon had lately exalted to the rank of Princess, was married to the reigning Prince of Ahremberg, while at the same time Junot declared to Portugal that the house of Braganza had ceased to reign, and French troops were, under the command of General Miollis, occupying Rome.

Diplomatic Fencing with Russia Caulaincourt and Rumianzoff Plight of the Czar Napoleon and the Papacy The Pope a Prisoner The House of Braganza Partition of Portugal Flight of the Royal Family Junot's Aspirations The Condition of Spain The Court The Crown Prince The Popular Factions Napoleon's Plans Quarrel of Charles and Ferdinand Trial of Ferdinand Invasion of Spain Napoleon and Lucien at Mantua Napoleon and Joseph at Venice Godoy Thwarted The French Armament The Humiliation of Spain Fall of Godoy Abdication of the King.

The difference of price, as stated in Spanish coinage, between a bottle of claret and a whisky-and-soda, might have puzzled some people; but Dunbar worked it out to a fraction in a second of time, and without a moment's hesitation laid his own share of the expense on the luncheon-table of the Braganza hotel.

But, fortunately for us, Napoleon committed the blunder which so often marred his plans: he pushed them too far: he required the Prince Regent to adopt a course of conduct repellent to an honourable man, namely, to confiscate the merchandise and property of British merchants who had long trusted the good faith of the House of Braganza.