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Updated: August 26, 2024

Her seven-minute mile run with a broken knee was certainly puzzling. "If it was only a violent Extention of the Rotula, something might be allow'd: but it is hard to tell what this was, your Country Bone-Setters seldom plaguing their heads with Distinctions."

HODGE, the Minister of Labour, as a proof of Mr. BARKER'S miraculous powers. Sir WATSON CHEYNE, the newest Member of the House, pointed out that unfortunately all bone-setters were not BARKERS; and, fortified by this expert opinion, Mr. MACPHERSON declined to say more than that private soldiers might go to these unconventional practitioners at their own risk. Wednesday, August 15th.

Robert Howard Hutton was born in Westmoreland county, England, forty-seven years ago. He belonged to a family of "natural bone-setters," the most famous of whom was his uncle, who taught him all the mysteries of his craft. He practised surgery in Westmoreland and adjacent counties for several years, where he acquired such a reputation that he was induced to move to London.

The father and mother were overcome with grief, and after having gone the round of all the big-wigs of the medical profession, they tried first bone-setters, then Christian Scientists, without avail. Finally they went to Dowie, who had already cured one of their friends.

Hutton belonged, were once quite common in this country. Men conducting large lumbering operations in Maine generally arranged to take a "natural bone-setter" into the woods every winter. The masters of whaling vessels endeavored to have one among their crews. The faith of ignorant people in "natural bone-setters" is profound. They believe that they are possessed of inherent knowledge and skill.

It remains to be seen what medical journals will say of him. It is certain that the secular press regarded him as a most extraordinary man, and regret that the family of "natural bone-setters" died out with him. Chicago Times.

Some physicians depended entirely upon external lotions for healing all disorders; others were "hydrotherapeutists" or "bath-physicians"; while there were a host of physicians who administered a great variety of herbs and drugs. There were also magicians who pretended to heal by sorcery, and great numbers of bone-setters, oculists, and dentists.

Hunters, cricket players, rowing men, and athletes in all parts of Great Britain consulted Hutton when they met with accidents. A sporting paper, in a notice of his career, says: "He gradually broke down the wall of prejudice which had been built up against bone-setters by the medical faculty on the ground that they were merely quacks.

Bone-setters make fortunes under the very noses of our greatest surgeons from educated and wealthy patients; and some of the most successful doctors on the register use quite heretical methods of treating disease, and have qualified themselves solely for convenience.

How useful a thing it would be for most sorts of our People, especially Statesmen, P t-men, Convocation-men, Phylosophers, Physicians, Quacks, Mountebanks, Stock-jobbers, and all the Mob of the Nation's Civil or Ecclesiastical Bone-setters, together with some Men of the Law, some of the Sword, and all of the Pen: I say, how useful and improving a thing it must be to them, to take a Journey up to the World in the Moon; but above all, how much more beneficial it would be to them that stay'd behind.

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