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Updated: August 16, 2024

They did not fly far, only a few feet, and stood with outstretched necks looking towards the carrion, as if whatever had frightened them was there. The bark-hunters could perceive nothing. It was the body of a small deer, already half eaten, and no object bigger than a man's hand could have been concealed behind it.

Putrid flesh is with them a favourite "dish," and in order to get at the softest side of a carcass, they burrow under, and enter it from below, rarely leaving their horrid cave until they have thoroughly cleared it out. The bark-hunters now passed on, Don Pablo making many inquiries about the armadillos, and Guapo giving replies, while Leon listened with interest.

The bark-hunters now continued their route, and shortly after entered a little glade or opening in the forest, about an acre in size. When they had reached the middle of this, Guapo threw his ais upon the ground and marched on. "Why do you leave them?" inquired the others. "No fear for them," replied Guapo; "they'll be there when we come back.

The rest of all these animals had been cleared off by the ants, and carried into the cells of their hollow cones! It was, no doubt, the noise of the bark-hunters that had started the ant-eaters abroad, for these creatures usually prowl only in the night. The same may have aroused the fierce puma from his lair, although he is not strictly a nocturnal hunter.

Their pacific attitude, however, was but of short duration; something occurred to ruffle their temper some silent affront, no doubt, for the bark-hunters heard nothing. Perhaps the tatou had run against the legs of one, and scraped it with the sharp edge of his corslet. Whether this was the cause or no, a scuffle commenced, and the beast in armour was attacked by all the vultures at once.

Their pacific attitude, however, was but of short duration; something occurred to ruffle their temper some silent affront, no doubt, for the bark-hunters heard nothing. Perhaps the tatou had run against the legs of one, and scraped it with the sharp edge of his corslet. Whether this was the cause or no, a scuffle commenced, and the beast in armour was attacked by all the vultures at once.

The rest of all these animals had been cleared off by the ants, and carried into the cells of their hollow cones! It was, no doubt, the noise of the bark-hunters that had started the ant-eaters abroad, for these creatures usually prowl only in the night. The same may have aroused the fierce puma from his lair, although he is not strictly a nocturnal hunter.

After three hours of impatient waiting there appeared not Garcia and Aragon, whose absence was inexplicable, but the faithful Bolivian bark-hunters in a body. Not caring to stupefy themselves with the peons, they had gone out for a reconnoissance in the environs.

The bark-hunters now continued their route, and shortly after entered a little glade or opening in the forest, about an acre in size. When they had reached the middle of this, Guapo threw his aïs upon the ground and marched on. "Why do you leave them?" inquired the others. "No fear for them," replied Guapo; "they'll be there when we come back.

The zamuros, however, had seen something strange else they would hardly have acted as they did and, with this conviction, the bark-hunters stopped their work to observe them. After a while the birds seemed to take fresh courage, hopped back to the carrion, and recommenced tearing at it.

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