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Updated: August 5, 2024

Just below the margin there is a line of annular indentations made from the exterior, leaving nodes on the inside the reverse of the treatment noticed in the vessel already illustrated. Fragments of identically marked ware from the vicinity of Prairie du Chien may be seen in the National Museum. A large fragment from Baraboo County, Wisconsin, shows a full body and a slightly flaring rim.

Theron O. Hollister, a man "full of faith and the Holy Ghost." Brother Hollister was received into the Conference at its session in Baraboo in 1853, and his first charge was Summit. His subsequent fields of labor were Fort Atkinson, Lake Mills, Greenbush, Sheboygan Falls, and Fond du Lac, where he succeeded to the District.

The next day at Denver I took passage for Omaha, in a two-horse covered wagon, with a man and his wife who were returning to their home in Baraboo, Wis., after spending two years in the gold fields with only moderate success. Another man also took passage making a party of four.

He sat there, slim and boyish, while the laughing, chattering crowd swept all about him. If you sit long enough in that foyer you will learn all there is to learn about life. An amazing sight it is that crowd. Baraboo helps swell it, and Spokane, and Berlin, and Budapest, and Pekin, and Paris, and Waco, Texas.

'I have come six thousan' miles f'r to hist ye fr'm th' mire iv ignorance an' irrellijon in which ye live to th' lofty plane iv Baraboo, he says. An' he sets down on an aisy chair, an' his wife an' her friends come in an' they inthrojooce Mrs.

I don't like foreigners there anny more thin I do here. Along comes a bald-headed man with chin whiskers from Baraboo, Wisconsin, an' says he: 'Benighted an' haythen Dooley, says he, 'ye have no God, he says. 'I have, says I. 'I have a lot iv thim, says I. 'Ye ar-re an oncultivated an' foul crather, he says.

He galloped to the station, brought home railway maps, and traced motor-routes from Gopher Prairie to Winnipeg or Des Moines or Grand Marais, thinking aloud and expecting her to be effusive about such academic questions as "Now I wonder if we could stop at Baraboo and break the jump from La Crosse to Chicago?"

His subsequent appointments fell within the bounds of the West Wisconsin Conference, in all of which he acquitted himself creditably. His last field was Baraboo Station, where he passed from labor to reward, leaving to his brethren the record of a spotless life and unswerving devotion to the Master's work. Brother Wilcox was an able minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Herr Dreisbach afterwards showed on Rock Prairie, in the open country, a few miles east of Janesville. People came from great distances to attend, even from as far as Baraboo, sometimes camping out two nights each way. Our first public edifice was a log schoolhouse about twenty feet square.

Fond du Lac District Continued. Baraboo Conference. Lodi Camp Meeting. Fall River. Revival at Appleton. Rev. Elmore Yocum. Revival at Sheboygan Falls. Revival at Fond du Lac. Rev. E.S. Grumley. Revival at Sheboygan. Rev. N.J. Aplin. Camp-Meeting at Greenbush. Rev. A.M. Hulce. Results of the Year. Janesville Conference. Omro. Rev. Dr. Golden. The Cowhams. Quarterly Meeting. My Father's Death.

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