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It is necessary to dwell upon these subtle distinctions, because this is the D'Arcy who, as a critic has remarked, 'is the real protagonist of Aylwin although the reader does not discover it until the very end of the story, where D'Arcy is the character who unravels and explains all. Without D'Arcy, indeed, and the demonic power possessed by him, the story would have no existence.

Aylwin, said Wilderspin solemnly. 'Nor did I invite her to talk, knowing whence she came from the spirit-world. At the first few sittings Mrs. Gudgeon came with her, and would sit looking on with the intention of seeing that she came to no harm. She said her daughter was very beautiful, and she, her mother, never trusted her with men. 'God bless the hag, God bless her; but go on!

This incident affords an illustration of the width as well as the thoroughness of Groome’s knowledge of Romany matters. I have affirmed in ‘Aylwin’ that Sinfi Lovell—a born linguist who could neither read nor writewas the only gipsy who knew both English and Welsh Romany. Groome was one of the few Englishmen who knew the most interesting of all varieties of the Romany tongue.

This very day, the anniversary of his birth, he continued, 'is a great day in the Aylwinian calendar. 'My father's birthday? Why, so it is! 'Mr. Aylwin, is it possible that the anniversary of a day so momentous for the world is forgotten forgotten by the very issue of the great man's loins? 'The fact is, said I, in some confusion, 'I have been living with the Gypsies, and, you see, Mr.

As Aylwin touched upon certain subtle nervous phases, it must have been a great advantage to the author to dictate these portions of the story to so skilled and experienced a friend. The rare kind of cerebral exaltation into which Henry Aylwin passed after his appalling experience in the cove, in which the entire nervous system was disturbed, was not what is known as brain fever.

Rossetti was a well-known figure at Scott's and at Rule's oyster-rooms at the time he encountered 'Henry Aylwin. That scene at Scott's is, in my opinion, the most living thing in the book a picture that whenever I turn to it makes me feel that everything said and done must have occurred.

'I have not seen this portrait yet, said Sleaford, as the carriage moved off; 'but Cyril Aylwin says it is magnificent, and if anybody knows what's good and what's bad it's Cyril Aylwin. 'Do you know, said my mother to me, 'I have taken vastly to this eccentric kinsman of ours?

'You have alluded to the word of an Aylwin. With me, as with the best of us, the word of an Aylwin is an oath. Wynne's corpse is now hidden; the cross is now hidden; I give you the word of an Aylwin that the man who digs up that corpse I will kill.

Your relative, Cyril Aylwin, was, as I believed, on the Continent, expecting Wilderspin to join him there, or I might have taken him with me. I have always had great influence over Wilderspin, and I easily persuaded him to remain in the studio while I went myself to the woman's address, which he gave me.

She is the type of Nature, too, whose secret, as Philip Aylwin says, "no science but that of Faith and Love can read." 'Seems to be the type of a good deal; but it's all right, don't you know? Awfully fine picture! Awfully fine woman! said Sleaford in a conciliatory tone.