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Atterbury, who did that business for him, getting the signature even from Lord Bolingbroke's office, without any personal application to the Secretary. Lockwood, his faithful servant, he took with him to Castlewood, and left behind there: giving out ere he left London that he himself was sick, and gone to Hampshire for country air, and so departed as silently as might be upon his business.

And there were the children! Hodder might have been likened to an explorer, seeking a direct path when there was none a royal road. And if this were oblique it offered, at least, a definite outlet for his energy. Such was, approximately, the state of his mind early in March when Gordon Atterbury came back from a conference in New York on institutional work, and filled with enthusiasm. St.

Atterbury went on, "that possibly some things I wish to discuss might ahem be dispelled in a conversation. That I might conceivably have misunderstood certain statements in your sermon of yesterday." "I tried," said the rector, "to be as clear as possible." "I thought you might not fully have realized the effect of what you said.

From time to time, Hodder himself was uncomfortably aware of her presence, and he read in her upturned face an interest which, by a little stretch of the imagination, might have been deemed personal . . . . Another was Gordon Atterbury, still known as "young Gordon," though his father was dead, and he was in the vestry. He was unmarried and forty-five, and Mrs.

She was wonderful yet, with her white hair and straight nose, her erect figure still slight. Alison knew that Mrs. Atterbury had never forgiven her for rejecting her son or rather for being the kind of woman who could reject him. "Surely you haven't been here all summer?" Alison admitted it, characteristically, without explanations.

She gave the young man a reassuring glance, and he resumed his seat in front of her, beside the distracted Merry. "You are from Richmond?" "Oh, no; I am from Wilmington, but I have kinsfolk in Richmond, I am on General Beauregard's staff. My name is Ballman Captain Ballman." She vaguely remembered that Vincent Atterbury was on staff duty. Perhaps this young man knew him. "Do you know a Mr.

It was on this kindly mission one day that she heard her brother's name mentioned by a civilian, who was talking with an official in uniform. "Major Atterbury? Oh, yes; he was removed to division D. You will find him in a separate tent. He has a woman nurse. I will send an orderly with you."

He persecuted Bishop Atterbury, and permitted Bolingbroke, with his restless spirit of intrigue, to return to his country, and to be reinstated in his property and titles. He flattered the Duchess of Kendall, the mistress of the king, and stooped to all the arts of corruption and bribery. There never was a period of greater political corruption than during the administration of this minister.

At Queen Anne's death he had held a command in the Guards, and if he had frankly backed Atterbury when the bishop proposed to proclaim King James, the history of England might have been altered, and the Duke of Argyll's regiment, at Kensington, would have had to fight for the Crown. The Earl missed his chance.

He can even make the financial world too hot for Ferguson. I'll say this for Gordon Atterbury, that Mr. Parr can't control him, but he's got a majority without him, and Gordon won't vote for a heretic. Who are left, except father-in-law Waring and myself?" "He can't control either of you!" said Eleanor, proudly. "When it comes to that, Nell we'll move into Canada and buy a farm."