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The Church Service was open at the Thirty-Nine Articles. Mamma had pushed Dr. Smith's "History of England" away. "Do you think," she said, "you could say the Catechism and the Athanasian Creed straight through without stopping?" "I daresay I could if I tried. Why?" "Because Mr. Farmer will want to examine you." "Whatever for?" "Because," her mother said, "there's going to be a Confirmation.

He tells us: "We may read the Athanasian Creed less, but we practise Christian charity more in the present than in any former age." "Faith has diminished, charity increased."

This is the meaning of a passage in Froude's Remains, in which he seems to accuse me of speaking against the Athanasian Creed. I had contrasted the two aspects of the Trinitarian doctrine, which are respectively presented by the Athanasian Creed and the Nicene. My criticisms were to the effect that some of the verses of the former Creed were unnecessarily scientific.

In the end it came to pass that the enthusiastic assent to that which defied explanation became the very mark of a humble and submissive faith. One reads the so-called Athanasian Creed, and hears the ring of its determination to exact assent.

In the Athanasian Creed, which is also the doctrine received in the whole Christian world, it is therefore said: The Lord will come to judge the quick and the dead; and then those who have done good will enter into eternal life, and those who have done evil into everlasting fire.

One day my attention was arrested by a sentence in his defence of the doctrine of the Trinity. He complained that Anti-Trinitarians unjustly charged Trinitarians with self-contradiction. It crossed my mind very forcibly, that, if that was all, the Athanasian Creed had gratuitously invented an enigma.

Really to mean every word you said, when you repeated the Athanasian Creed! How wonderful! And what enticing and mysterious vistas burst upon the view! But then, those vistas, where were they leading? Supposing oh heavens! supposing after all they were to lead to ! IN due course, the Tracts made their appearance at the remote rectory in Sussex.

It means easy death, and I can't see any sense in that, though it's a terrible long creed, the Elder says, an' if it's any longer 'n ourn, I should think anybody might easy die learnin' it!" "I think the word is Athanasian," ventured the minister's wife. "Elder Ransom's always plumb full o' doctrine," asserted Miss Brewster, pursuing the subject.

After the Tory party comes the Liberal; which also dislikes the Athanasian Creed, as I have said. Thirdly, as to the Evangelical; I know you have one of the Nos. of the 'Tracts for the Times' about objective faith. Now that tract seems to prove that the Evangelical party is implicitly Sabellian, and is tending to avow that belief.

Two are one in you, and every man. Your body is you, and your soul is you. They are two. But you know yourself that you are one being; that the Athanasian Creed speaks, at least, reason when it says, 'As the reasonable soul and the flesh are one man, so God and man is one Christ. And three are one in every plant in the field. Root, bark, leaves, are three.