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So that, gentle sir, neither this horse, nor this lance, nor this shield, nor this squire, nor all these arms put together, nor the sallowness of my countenance, nor my gaunt leanness, will henceforth astonish you, now that you know who I am and what profession I follow."

In the second place, one of the chief pleasures procured by wealth vanity, the desire to astonish and outshine other people is difficult to satisfy in the country; and this, again, on account of the lack of inhabitants. In the country, there is no one to appreciate elegance, no one to be astonished.

If General Delville has lived in New-Orleans till he has grown old enough to be my grandfather, he can't have much of a heart left." "Della, you astonish me!" said her father, with the frown deepening. "One would think you had no ambition whatever to make a good match." "Papa, do you love me at all?" Mr. Delancey started at the abrupt question, and gazed upon his daughter in surprise.

Boat-travelling in those regions is conducted in a way that would astonish most people who dwell in the civilised quarters of the globe. The country being intersected in all directions by great lakes and rivers, these have been adopted as the most convenient highways along which to convey the supplies and bring back the furs from outposts.

"You'll have to be careful how you use it," he said; "it has properties which may astonish you." I teed up my ball, swung back, and then with all the vigor at my command whacked the ball square and true.

Since the days of Marlborough, people have begun to think that the British were no longer a fighting people; but the way in which they have wrested Canada from the French, and achieved marvels in India, to say nothing of the conduct of their infantry at Minden, shows that the qualities of the race are unchanged; and some day they will astonish the world again, as they have done several times in their history."

But after reflection, it did not astonish him too much; the besetting weakness of rogues is vanity in one form or another. This happened to be an unusual form. "Burgess," he said, "I don't care how you go to hell. Go with me if you like or go it alone." "Thank you, sir."

After returning the salutation, the mad Englishman, without preface, asked him how many natural children were annually born in the parish. The question seemed to astonish the good father, but he answered it civilly, as he did several other questions, which Flemming thought rather indiscreet, to say the least. "You will excuse our curiosity," said he to the priest, by way of apology.

The same, or, rather, greater results have attended the transportation of American seeds and plants to California, where a new soil and a new climate has produced upon all the staples of agriculture such an improvement as to astonish men who have made this branch of industry a study.

A robbery having been committed, Captain Cook ordered a volley of musketry and four great guns to be fired over the canoe that contained the thief; but this seemed only to astonish the natives, without creating any great alarm. On the 17th the ships anchored in a bay called by the islanders, Karakakooa.