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Updated: August 13, 2024

What is curious, anyway, is that this system, thought out by a Roman count, a Catholic, has its most important following and propaganda among Protestant pastors, whose original asininity becomes abysmal in the unbelievable homilies which accompany their essays on healing. Indeed, considered seriously, these systems are a lot of wind.

Do I get it now when I am sitting here panting and ill with a headache, and with despair, and with lack of food? Damn such asininity, I say! What do you mean, I cry what do you mean? Would it have helped Kant to solve the problems of the universe to have had a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing about his face?

Prosecutor Black displayed his usual asininity by asking in regard to preparations made by Verona passengers: "What were they taking or not taking?" "There might be two or three million things they were not taking," cut in Judge Ronald chidingly.

Let him give you the whole story, Monterey and all," and Strain, who had hoped to spend the evening with his cronies at the club and whist, was compelled to sit till long after nine and hear the details of Petty's asininity.

Finck, as well advanced as the eminent critics of the time, failed to understand the music of "The Walküre," when indeed she called it "immoral amorous asininity," an opinion for which perhaps the duets with Frau Heim were partly responsible, Wagner used to slam on his hat and go for a walk, while Minna would seek Herr Riese.

Did you ever examine a goat's expression of face? For utter asininity a donkey cannot approach him. Nothing can, except, perhaps, an Irish farce-comedian. Beautiful cows are driven through the streets, often attended by the owner's family.

Smart, what could have induced you to " He got no farther than this, and to my certain knowledge this unfinished reproof was the nearest he ever came to openly convicting me of asininity. "Make yourself at home, old fellow," said I in some haste. I felt sorry for him. "We are going to be very cosy here."

In him, three things are on a par; his conceit, his ignorance and his determination. From these three ingredients results a high quality of asininity which in moral theology is called invincible ignorance and is said to render one immune in matters of sin. May his tribe decrease! SOME parents claim that their children do not learn anything in the Catholic school.

American prodigality and asininity is responsible for much of the abuse of tipping. Too many Americans when they travel desire to appear important and the only way they can accomplish this is by buying the subserviency of menials who laugh at them behind their backs. A tip should always depend upon the service rendered.

The perfunctory hysterics of the stories of crime, graft, scandal, with their garbled sentences and wooden phrases; the delicious sagacities of the editorial pages like the mumbling of some adenoidal moron in a gulf of high winds; headlines saying a pompous "amen" to asininity and a hopeful "My God!" to confusion these caressed him, and brought the thought to him, "if there is anything worthy the absurdity of life it's a newspaper gibbering, whining, strutting, sprawled in attitudes of worship before the nine-and-ninety lies of the moment a caricature of absurdity itself."

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