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After that, you will certainly be deputy from the arrondissement when the Chamber is re-elected, which must surely be before long. The votes that elect you to the municipal council will stand by you in the election for deputy, trust me for that." "But how will you manage all this?" cried Thuillier, fascinated.

Louis Blanc and my sons came to talk to me about it. The report that Alexandre Dumas is dead is denied. November 4. I have been requested to be Mayor of the Third, also of the Eleventh, Arrondissement. I refused. I went to the rehearsal of Les Chatiments at the Porte Saint Martin. Frederick Lemaitre and Mmes. Laurent, Lia Felix and Dugueret were present. November 5.

M. Matthieu Dumas, who succeeded him, looked at the question from an entirely different point of view; he enjoined me either to furnish a substitute, or else to set off myself with the contingent of the twelfth arrondissement of Paris.

You will therefore think it natural that I should be his advocate within these walls. There are, indeed, few persons in this arrondissement who have not received benefits from that family." "A candidate puts himself in the stocks," continued Achille Pigoult, warming up. "I have the right to scrutinize his life before I invest him with my powers.

Now Amelie had set her heart upon seeing her husband in the Chamber of Deputies; she was not one of those women who find it easy to give up their way; and she by no means despaired of returning her husband for the arrondissement in which Marville is situated. She wanted, she said, to buy a small estate worth about two thousand francs per annum set like a wedge within the Marville lands.

He divided Paris into twenty sections, one for each arrondissement. Each section would have a chief, a sort of general, under whose orders there were to be twenty lieutenants commanding twenty companies of affiliated associates.

"Messieurs the electors of the twelfth arrondissement." The arrondissement was represented on this occasion by five persons. An apothecary, chairman of the deputation, proceeded to address Thuillier in the following terms:

Her only brother, Jules de Cinq-Cygne, who emigrated before the twins, died at Mayence, but by a privilege which was somewhat rare and will be mentioned later, the name of Cinq-Cygne was not to perish through lack of male heirs. This affair between Michu and the farmer made a great noise in the arrondissement and darkened the already mysterious shadows which seemed to veil him.

The latter are so named from the divisions into which the country was split up for administrative purposes during the Napoleonic regime, for the existing arrondissement boundaries are virtually the same as those of ninety years ago. There are twenty-three Arrondissement Courts, thirteen of the first-class and ten of the second class.

"11th arrondissement, Minard, powerfully rich, used to do a business in cocoa." "Ah! very good! very good! I know all about him. You say Olympe is living with his son?" "Well, not to say living together, for that would make talk, though he only sees her with good motives.