Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 22, 2024

My comrade was for entering the first one we came to; but, on drawing near, they had so much of an air of pretension, at least for native dwellings, that I hesitated; thinking they might be the residences of the higher chiefs, from whom no very extravagant welcome was to be anticipated. While standing irresolute, a voice from the nearest house hailed us: "Aramai! aramai, karhowree!"

"Aramai!" cried Samoa; while storms of interjections went up from the Islanders who with extravagant gestures danced about the beach. Further caution seemed needless: I pointed our prow for the shore. No sooner was this perceived, than, raising an applauding shout, the Islanders ran up to their waists in the sea.

"Why not make the natives help?" asked Long Ghost, rubbing his shoulder. "Natives be dumned!" said the Yankee, "twenty on 'em ain't worth one white man. They never was meant to work any, them chaps; and they knows it, too, for dumned little work any on 'em ever does." But, notwithstanding this abuse, Zeke was at last obliged to press a few of the bipeds into service. "Aramai!"

By this time, Tonoi, the illustrious descendant of the Bishops of Imeeo, was twenty feet from the ground. "Aramai! come down, you old fool!" cried the Yankee; "the pesky critter's on t'other side of the island afore this." "I rayther guess," he continued, as we began reloading, "that we've spoiled sport by firing at that 'ere tarnal hog.

In this proposition, I gladly acquiesced; though Peter, who was a great sportsman, put on a long face. The muskets and ammunition were forthwith got from overhead; and, everything being then ready, Zeke cried out, "Tonoi! come; aramai! Shorty, my lad, look arter things, you know; and if you likes, why, there's them roots in the field yonder."

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