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From the period of his death, the Spaniards continued to increase their own prosperity by the gradual ruin of the Moors. The sons of the hadjeb Almanzor successively replaced their illustrious father; but, in inheriting his power, they did not inherit his talents. Factions were again created.

Even the severe laws of the harem were relaxed in the courts of Boabdil and of Almanzor, for the wives of those two monarchs, openly, and without shame, took part in the pompous fêtes of the Alhambra and of the serrania of Cordova.

He's an Almanzor, a Chamont has a Highland pedigree as long as his claymore, and a claymore as long as the High Street of Fairport, which he unsheathed upon the surgeon the last time he was at Fairport. I expect him here one of these days; but I will keep him at staff's end, I promise you. He an inmate of my house! to make my very chairs and tables tremble at his brawls.

It is a pity that so little research has been made concerning these pilgrimages and the influences they brought to bear on the history of the country. A book treating of this subject would be a highly interesting account of one of the most important movements of the middle ages. The Moors under Almanzor pillaged the city of Santiago in 999; then they retreated southwards, as was their wont.

But even in the days of his highest prosperity, when the generality of the people admired his Almanzor, and thought his Indian Emperor the perfection of tragedy, the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Rochester, the two wittiest noblemen our country has produced, attacked his fame, and turned the rants of his heroes, the jargon of his spirits, and the absurdity of his plots into just ridicule. Boileau.

His mother, Sobeyah, the Sultana of Cordova, had acquired some experience in affairs of state during the last few years of her husband's life; now, to help her in her regency, she appointed as her grand vizier Mohammed-ben-Abd-Allah, a man of wonderful power and ability and no other than Almanzor the Invincible, who has already been mentioned.

The historical plot, the metallic ring of the verse, Let all glad hymns in one mix'd concord sound, And make the echoing heavens your mirth rebound. Act i. I am the broom of heaven; when the world grows foul, I'll sweep the nations into the sea, like dust. Act ii. It is noticeable that both passages are spoken by Albovine himself, a very creditable elder brother of Dryden's Maximin and Almanzor.

And in the same play, "That busy thing, The soul, is packing up, and just on wing Like parting swallows when they seek the spring," Infinitely worse is the speech of Almanzor to his mother's ghost: "I'll rush into the covert of the night And pull thee backward by the shroud to light, Or else I'll squeeze thee like a bladder there, And make thee groan thyself away to air."

Finally the dreaded infidel Almanzor burnt the city to the ground, and retreated to Cordoba. Ordoño I., following in his wake, rebuilt the walls and the basilica, and from thenceforward Leon was never again to see an Arab army within its gates. Prosperity then smiled on the city soon to become the capital of the kingdom of Asturias.

In the middle ages, the Genoese had a great trade with Rabat, but this trade is now removed to Mogador, Many beautiful gardens and plantations adorn the suburbs, deserving even the name of "an earthly paradise." The Moors of Rabat are mostly from Spain, expelled thence by the Spaniards. The famous Sultan, Almanzor, intended that Rabat should be his capital.