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The comparison of the hair to true lapis lazuli seems very strange; but there is often a confusion between black aind blue in uneducated races, and azrak means either dark blue or green, or black, at present in Arabic.

Vait! said Alex, 'Aind you choing to gif a man a jance to puy some choots? "'Sure, said I, 'if you want to, but I thought you were going to wait until you went into market. "'Vell, you vas a taisy, said Alex; and in three minutes he was the quickest buyer I ever saw I booked an order for six hundred dollars.

"Vell, vell! and I licked you fer hookin' apples off me vonce aind dot right?" Mart grinned. "I reckon that's so. I said I'd cut you in two when I grew up; all boys say such things, but I reckon your whalin' did me good. But what I want to know is this, can you tell me where to find the old man?" "Your fader? He's in Brooklyn so I heart. I don't know. My, my! he'll be clad to see you "

"Vell, den, you needn' sbeak so loud. I aind teaf, den." "A dozen!" she screamed. "Give me a dozen. Here are only twelve." "Vell, den, dwalf is a dozen." "One more! I want a dozen." "Vell, den, if you vant anodder, go to de duyvil and ged it." Did the hag take him at his word?

There could be nothing more moving if not in one direction, then in another than the sentimental expression of Banjo's little sandy face as he sang: I know you were once my true-lov-o-o-o, But such a thing it has an aind; My love and my transpo'ts are ov-o-o-o, But you may still be my fraind-d-d.

When they had rejoined Stubb in the bar-room, Baugh said to Seigerman, "Don't you think you can give us your answer by Friday next, so your name can be announced in the papers, and an active canvass begun without further loss of time?" "Shentlemens, I'll dry do," said Louie, "but you will not dake a drink mit me once again, aind it?" "No, thank you, Mr. Seigerman," replied Stubb.

"Vell, den, you needn' sbeak so loud. I aind teaf, den." "A dozen!" she screamed. "Give me a dozen. Here are only twelve." "Vell, den, dwalf is a dozen." "One more! I want a dozen." "Vell, den, if you vant anodder, go to de duyvil and ged it." Did the hag take him at his word?

When he came fairly to his senses again he was lying in his little room and the slatternly chambermaid was looking in at him. "You aind seek alretty?" she asked. "Go away," he said with a scowl; "you've bothered me too much." "You peen trinken aind it. Chim help you up de stairs last nide." "What time is it?" he asked, with an effort to recall where he had been.