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"It is better to give counsel advisedly," was the phrase with which she ticketed this decision and sustained it. The day was fine, and the drive in Mrs. Hilbrough's easy-rolling open carriage was exhilarating, and in that sort of bird-chatter about nothing in particular in which two people enjoying motion are prone to engage Mrs.

Now with that dam I could grow three crops a year, observing due rotation, and be able to turn under a wealth of green manure. . . . I have just endured a visit from the Warden. I say "endured" advisedly. He is quite different from the Warden of San Quentin. He was very nervous, and perforce I had to entertain him. This is his first hanging. He told me so.

There were six children born to her in all, but the five have been nearly lost sight of in the splendid success of the firstborn. I have used the word "Spartan" advisedly. Upon her children, the mother of Washington lavished no soft sentimentality. A woman who cooked, weaved, spun, washed, made the clothes, and looked after a big family in pioneer times had her work cut out for her.

The mouse has every right, if he likes, to despise the cat for a heavy-handed and bloodthirsty beast, lacking wit and imagination, a creature of simple force-majeure; but that mouse will not advisedly swagger in cat-haunted territory; a blow of the paw is, when all's said and done, a blow of the paw something to numb the wits of the wiliest mouse.

He sold the Winfield Scott and the Union to the Government. Q. For how much? But this was not by any means the only schooling Gould received from the respectable business element. It can be said advisedly that there was not a single avenue of business in which the most shameless frauds were not committed upon both Government and people.

There was no actual proof, however, that the men were murdered; as far as the Government officials were advisedly concerned, the detectives were merely missing.

Camphorated oil has a tendency to dry up the secretion of the gland and is used advisedly. Lumps in Teats. My cow has hard lumps in, her teats and lower part of the bag. These cause pain to her on milking, but there are no other symptoms of disorder. This condition has prevailed several months.

The present proprietor had been married I use the term advisedly to Lady Mary Ditchin, a daughter of the Earl of Turfington, a family whose hereditary devotion to sport in all its branches had somewhat impoverished their estates.

Davis had an exalted opinion of his own military genius, and thought he saw a chance of "killing two birds with one stone." On several occasions during the war he came to the relief of the Union army by means of his SUPERIOR MILITARY GENIUS. I speak advisedly when I saw Mr. Davis prided himself on his military capacity.

"But it would be big enough when I did find it." "Right, my dear. That is the way with love. Laetitia was a good housekeeper. Everything was punctual as clockwork. I use the word advisedly.