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"Attending, making inquiries, at the houses of eight hundred applicants for shares, and twelve hundred referees, including calls made at the residences of various tradesmen, tax collectors, and others in their respective neighbourhoods say, two thousand attendances, at six and eightpence each 666 13 4 "Twelve hundred letters to referees, at five shillings each 300 0 0

"You are wrong, Giles, as usual; I am never past conviction; you have only to take me before the police court in the morning, and any magistrate will at once convict me of stupidity for having married a Scotchman and a policeman!" "I think it must be time to go on my beat, for you beat me hollow," said Number 666, consulting his watch. "No, no, Giles, please sit still.

I wrote the family name, after having received the heavenly order, with Greek letters, and to my astonishment they gave exactly the number 666, Revel. xiii: 18.

As a consequence, the bishops were to be deprived of their seats in the house of peers; a measure not unacceptable to the zealous friends of liberty, who observed with regret the devoted attachment of that order to the will of the monarch. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 203. Whitlocke, p. 37. Nalson, vol. i. p. 666. Rush. vol. v. p. 171. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 237.

If we combine with such considerations the fact, that Sulla allowed the principal foundations of the Gracchan constitution to stand and disturbed neither the equestrian courts nor the largesses of grain, we shall find warrant for the opinion that the Sullan arrangement of 666 substantially adhered to the status quo subsisting since the fall of Gaius Gracchus; he merely, on the one hand, altered as the times required the traditional rules that primarily threatened danger to the existing government, and, on the other hand, sought to remedy according to his power the existing social evils, so far as either could be done without touching ills that lay deeper.

In the strictly agricultural districts of Prussia the number of courses open to those who work upon the land has steadily increased. In 1882 there were 559 courses of instruction and 9,228 pupils; in 1902, 1,421 such courses and 20,666 pupils; and in 1908, 3,781 courses and 55,889 pupils.

Regulations As to the Burgesses In respect to legislation Sulla contented himself with reviving the regulations made in 666, and securing to the senate the legislative initiative, which had long belonged to it practically, by legal enactment at least as against the tribunes.

"Is your mother at home, Hetty!" "Oh! yes, sir. Mother, here's Mr Scott. Come in, sir. We are so glad to see you, and " She stopped, and gazed inquiringly at the visitors who followed. "I've brought some friends of Bobby to inquire for him. Sir Richard Brandon Mrs Frog." Number 666 stood aside, and, with something like a smile on his face, ceremoniously presented Wealth to Poverty.

Before the human stream had got quite across, an impatient hansom made a push. The eagle eye of Number 666 had observed the intention, and in a moment his gigantic figure stood calmly in front of the horse, whose head was raised high above his helmet as the driver tightened the reins violently.

Contribution to Imperial Exchequer on basis of 1/15th of Imperial Expenditure, viz.: Debt Charge . . . . . . . . £1,466,000 Army and Navy . . . . . . . 1,666,000 Civil Charges . . . . . . . 110,000 £3,242,000 2. Sinking Fund on 1/15th of Capital of Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,000 3. Charge for Constabulary . . . . . . . 1,000,000 4.