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The carriage had plainly been empty. Returning across the grass by the way he had come, he was startled by the voices of two men from the road hard by. 'Have ye zeed anybody? 'Not a soul. 'Shall we go across again? 'What's the good? let's home to supper. 'My lord must have heard somebody, or 'a wouldn't have said it. 'Perhaps he's nervous now he's living in the cottage again.

"Christian, now listen to me." "Yes, sure, Mr. Yeobright." "Did you see my mother the day before she died?" "No, I did not." Yeobright's face expressed disappointment. "But I zeed her the morning of the same day she died." Clym's look lighted up. "That's nearer still to my meaning," he said.

I do not recollect a sharper double humiliation than when old Sam Lamble, the blacksmith, who was one of the 'saints', being asked by my Father whether he had met me, replied 'Yes, I zeed 'un up- long, making mud pies in the ro-ad! What a position for one who had been received into communion 'as an adult'! What a blot on the scutcheon of a would-be Columbus! 'Mud-pies', indeed!

Nothing more was zeed or heard o' Retty till the waterman, on his way home, noticed something by the Great Pool; 'twas her bonnet and shawl packed up. In the water he found her. He and another man brought her home, thinking a' was dead; but she fetched round by degrees."

"Tess is a fine figure o' fun, as I said to myself to-day when I zeed her vamping round parish with the rest," observed one of the elderly boozers in an undertone. "But Joan Durbeyfield must mind that she don't get green malt in floor." It was a local phrase which had a peculiar meaning, and there was no reply.

"That these little things should carry such luck, and such charm, and such a spell, and such power in 'em, passes all I ever heard or zeed," he went on, with a fascinated gaze at the dice, which, as is frequently the case in country places, were made of wood, the points being burnt upon each face with the end of a wire. "They are a great deal in a small compass, You think?" "Yes.

"You talk to him, sir. He zeed a lot though he be kind o' mazed like now; he be mortal bad, I do think. But such a cheerful chap he be. I mind he used to say to us in the trenches: 'It bain't no use grousing. What mun be, mun be. Terrible strong he were, too.