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They've jest stuck their toenails into that hilltop there, an' every time them howlin' rebels come yippin' an' ki-yi-in' out o' the woods they send 'em back on the dead run. But they want you up there bad. You've got more than's left in the regiment. Hurry up. I'll be back with you jest as soon's I kin find a doctor to cooper me up a little." "Forward Quick time March!" shouted the Lieutenant.

Hadn't scarcely come to a stop when off he jumps and waves his fins and gives three cheers for it." "For what?" "Ohio. I'm tellin' you. He ramps across the track yippin' 'Ohio! Ohio! Ohio! whoopity-yoop. He come right at me and I says, 'Watch yehself, Buddy. You'll git left." "What did he say to that?" asked Banneker indulgently. "Never looked at me no more than a doodle-bug.

Come to think of hit, we could hold a big afternoon parade, with a lot of yippin' around, and git up more excitement than they've had in that sleepy ole burg since the women swarmed down on Gatty's quart shop en wrecked hit." "Well, you and Mr. Potter and Mr. Flinthead just keep out of it," said Adine emphatically. "You would ruin everything."

He knows what's become of them trout we ketched. I guess he's gittin' over the way I treated him to-day. Ye see, we wuz up the East Branch when he run a fox south. Thinks I, the fox'll take a whirl back and cross the big runway; and, sure enough, it warn't long afore I heard George a-comin' back, yippin' along up through Hank Simons' holler.

The minute I hear old Scraggsy yippin' for help, says I to myself, 'let the beggars fight their own way out of the mess. But the mate comes a-runnin' up and says he's pretty sure he can come near plantin' a mess of shells in the centre of the disturbance, even if we can't see the wari on account of the jungle.