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De Vita Propria, ch. xxxvii. p. 119. De Vita Propria, ch. xxv. p. 67. The Xenodochium, which was originally a stranger's lodging-house. By this time places of this sort had become little else than succursales of some religious house. The Governors of the Milanese Xenodochium were the patrons of the Plat endowment which Cardan afterwards enjoyed.

Fortunately there were workmen and timber in abundance, and, inspiring his men with his own marvellous energy, he laid out sixty-one galleys during the winter, and was able to take the sea with a fleet of eighty-four vessels in the spring. The period of Turkish supremacy on the sea dates from Kheyr-ed-dīn's winter in the dockyards. Doria et Barberousse, Pt. II. ch. xxv.

Wealth is a fund of five talents of which one is the trusted agent; and to some five-talent men who have been faithful in their grave responsibilities, the word of Jesus would be given to-day as gladly as to any poor man: "Well done, faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord." Matthew xxv. 22.

XXV. A mind employed on such subjects, and which night and day contemplates them, contains in itself that precept of the Delphic God, so as to "know itself," and to perceive its connection with the divine reason, from whence it is filled with an insatiable joy. For reflections on the power and nature of the Gods raise in us a desire of imitating their eternity.

And the writings which they made were confirmed by the Pope and by the Emperor and the other Kings, and sealed with their seals. XXV. While this was doing the King abode where he was, beyond Tolosa; six months did he abide there.

The fourth, Letters XXV.-XLI., describes the Italian expedition and the return journey to Boulogne en route for England, where the party arrive safe home in July 1765.

XXV. Now that Alkibiades had determined that the Spartans were not to be trusted, and that he was in fear of Agis, their king, he began to speak evil of them to Tissaphernes, withholding him from assisting them thoroughly, and enabling them to conquer the Athenians, but advising him rather to starve the Lacedaemonians forces by insufficient supplies, so as to play one side off against the other, and thus encourage them to wear each other out, in order that in the end both might be so weakened as to fall an easy prey to the Persians.

Of course the elephant disappointed them, and did homage to Sakyamuni. See chap. xxv, note 3. Jivaka was Ambapali's son by king Bimbisara, and devoted himself to the practice of medicine. Three le before you reach the top, there is a cavern in the rocks, facing the south, in which Buddha sat in meditation.

Ch. vii. section 17, and ch. viii. section 5. Psalm cxviii. 137: "Thou art just, O Lord, and Thy judgment is right." See ch. xxv. See ch. viii. section 1. Ch. vii. section 17. Ch. vii. section 27. Ch. xxxi. section 21. Ch. xx. section 33, and ch. xxv. section 24. Ch. xix. section 4. See section 16. The Difference Between Union and Rapture. What Rapture Is. The Blessing It Is to the Soul.

Else appears also in "Biterolf"; in the "Thidreksaga" he is called "Elsung", the younger, as his father bore the same name. See Adventure XXV, note 4. "Amelrich" is the ferryman's brother. "Spear". It was the custom to offer presents on a spear point, perhaps to prevent the recipient from treacherously using his sword.