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Updated: November 18, 2024

On Lake Agassiz, in the N.Y. Zoological Park, within 500 feet of my office in the Administration Building, a pair of wild wood-ducks made their nest last spring, and have just finished rearing nine fine, healthy young birds. Whenever you see a wood-duck rise and fly in our Park, you may know that it is a wild bird.

Looking lakeward from the sedgy nook in which we are waiting for the coming of the wood-ducks, the low line of water, blue and calm, is broken at intervals by the rise of the distant masquallongé, as he plays for a moment on the surface.

You will find some small ponds, and near them the snipe were plenty: there were wood-ducks there also." "I will go with you, captain," said I. "We will take Morris's old pointer, Dash: he is steady and staunch."

Our hostess exerted herself, and we soon sat down to a sumptuous feast, consisting of a brace of fine fat wood-ducks and fried black bass, two dishes I am particularly fond of, and which at this time of the year can always be obtained from the lake. The wood-duck is a delicious bird. It makes its appearance early in the spring, as soon as the ice breaks up.

He could tell, perhaps, at what time we should arrive, but not how far it was. We saw a few wood-ducks, sheldrakes, and black ducks, but they were not so numerous there at that season as on our river at home. We scared the same family of wood-ducks before us, going and returning.

GEORGIA: Prohibit late winter and spring shooting, and provide rational seasons for wild fowl. Reduce the limit on deer to two bucks a season, with horns not less than three inches long. Protect the meadow lark and stop forever the killing of doves and wood-ducks. Prohibit the use of automatic and pump shot-guns in hunting. Extend the term of the game commissioner to four years.

The clustered fig tree of the Burdekin, became again more frequent; but Sarcocephalus was the characteristic tree of the river. The Acacia of Expedition Range and of the upper Lynd, grew to a comparatively large size in the open forest. As the water-holes became larger, water-fowl became more plentiful; and Brown succeeded in shooting several wood-ducks and a Malacorhyncus membranaceus.

During the summer of 1912 a small flock of wild wood-ducks came every night to our Wild-Fowl Pond, and spent the night there. A year ago, a covey of eleven quail appeared in the Park, and have persistently remained ever since.

Again a louder splash aroused me; and, as I turned, there floated on a glassy basin, into which the ripples of a tiny fall subsided, three wood-ducks, with a noble drake, that loveliest in plumage of all aquatic fowl, perfectly undisturbed and fearless, although within ten yards of their most dreaded enemy. How beautiful are all their motions!

The banks were, at intervals fringed with mangroves, the country behind being very open plains, with patches of dwarf gums scattered here and there. The brown whistling wood-ducks were in great abundance at the yawl's furthest; and in three shots I bagged twenty.

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